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Microsystem Technologies

ISSN: 0946-7076eISSN: 1432-1858

Featuring rapid publication of important results, Microsystem Technologies examines electromechanical, materials, design, and manufacturing issues of microsystems and their components. It integrates the knowledge, experience, and capabilities of academic and industrial specialists in many fields. Moreover, it contributes to the economically and ecologically sound production of reliable, high performance MEMS and information storage and processing systems.                  The journal’s coverage of MEMS/NEMS addresses sensors, actuators, and other micro/nanosystems as well as micromechatronic systems integration. Coverage of information storage systems includes magnetic recording, optical recording, and other recording devices. Lastly, under the category of processing systems, the journal explores copiers, printers, scanners, and digital cameras. All contributions meet international archival quality standards.

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Milan Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 1424-9286eISSN: 1424-9294

Aims and Scope
Milan Journal of Mathematics (MJM) publishes high quality articles from all areas of Mathematics and the Mathematical Sciences. The authors are invited to submit 'articles with background', presenting a problem of current research with its history and its developments, the current state and possible future directions. The presentation should render the article of interest to a wider audience than just specialists.Many of the articles will be 'invited contributions' from speakers in the 'Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano'. However, also other authors are welcome to submit articles which are in line with the 'Aims and Scope' of the journal.
Bibliographic Data
Milan J. Math.
First published in 1927
Renamed in 2001
1 volume per year, 2 issues per volume
approx. 400 pages per volume
Format: 19.3 x 26 cm
ISSN 1424-9286 (print)
ISSN 1424-9294 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.41 (2011) 

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Mind and Society

ISSN: 1593-7879eISSN: 1860-1839

Mind & Society is a high-quality biannual academic journal that examines the relationships between mental and socio-economic phenomena. It is the official journal of the Italian-based Rosselli Foundation. Priority is given to papers that explore the relationships between mind and action and between action and socio-economic phenomena. This includes the following topics: the concept of mind of social actor: cognitive models of reasoning: decision-making and action: computational and neural models of socio-economic phenomena: and related topics. The international journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and publishes papers from many academic disciplines. These include: philosophy and methodology of social sciences, economics, decision-making, sociology, cognitive and social psychology, epistemology, cognitive anthropology, artificial intelligence, neural modelling, and political science. Papers in the journal must share the journal’s epistemological vision – namely, the explanation of socio-economic phenomena through individual action, decision-making and reasoning processes – or at least refer to its content priorities. Mind & Society publishes papers that report original results of empirical research or theoretical analysis. Each paper submitted for publication is evaluated by three international referees who assess its suitability for publication with regard to originality, methodological exactitude and consistency.Officially cited as: Mind Soc

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ISSN: 1868-8527eISSN: 1868-8535

Mindfulness seeks to advance research, clinical practice, and theory on mindfulness. It is interested in manuscripts from diverse viewpoints, including psychology, psychiatry, medicine, neurobiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, cognitive, behavioral, cultural, philosophy, spirituality, and wisdom traditions. Mindfulness encourages research submissions on the reliability and validity of assessment of mindfulness: clinical uses of mindfulness in psychological distress, psychiatric disorders, and medical conditions: alleviation of personal and societal suffering: the nature and foundations of mindfulness: mechanisms of action: and the use of mindfulness across cultures. The Journal also seeks to promote the use of mindfulness by publishing scholarly papers on the training of clinicians, institutional staff, teachers, parents, and industry personnel in mindful provision of services. Examples of topics include: Mindfulness-based psycho-educational interventions for children with learning, emotional, and behavioral disorders Treating depression and clinical symptoms in patients with chronic heart failure Yoga and mindfulness Cognitive-behavioral mindfulness group therapy interventions Mindfulnessness and emotional regulation difficulties in children Loving-kindness meditation to increase social connectedness Training for parents and children with ADHD Recovery from substance abuse Changing parents’ mindfulness Child management skills Treating childhood anxiety and depression

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Minds and Machines

ISSN: 0924-6495eISSN: 1572-8641

Affiliated with the Society for Machines and Mentality, the journal Minds and Machines fosters a tradition of criticism within the AI and philosophical communities on problems and issues of common concern. Its scope explicitly encompasses philosophical aspects of computer science. The journal affords an international forum for the discussion and debate of important and controversial issues concerning significant developments within its areas of editorial focus. It features special issues devoted to specific topics, critical responses to previously published pieces, and review essays discussing current problem situations.

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Mine Water and the Environment

ISSN: 1025-9112eISSN: 1616-1068

Founded in 1981 (as the International Journal of Mine Water), Mine Water and the Environment presents original contributions addressing technical questions and practical issues related to the evaluation, prediction, prevention, or control of water problems at mining operations or their impact on the environment. Both the journal and its audience are interdisciplinary. Published papers convey new technical information by and for researchers and practitioners in this field. Coverage includes laboratory and field experiments, modeling efforts, studies of relevant field sites, technical evaluations of new technology, and engineering applications. Mine Water and the Environment is the journal of the International Mine Water Association (IMWA).

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Mineral Economics

eISSN: 2191-2211
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Mineralium Deposita

ISSN: 0026-4598eISSN: 1432-1866

The journal Mineralium Deposita introduces new observations, principles, and interpretations from the field of economic geology, including nonmetallic mineral deposits, experimental and applied geochemistry, with emphasis on mineral deposits. It offers short and comprehensive articles, review papers, brief original papers, scientific discussions and news, as well as reports on meetings of importance to mineral research. The emphasis is on high-quality content and form for all articles and on international coverage of subject matter.The journal also publishes brief fast track papers including up to four display items (tables, line diagrams, photographs) as Letters or Notes. All papers are subject to international peer review.The journal is of interest to those engaged in field geology, mineral deposit research, and ore deposit exploration.

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Mineralogy and Petrology

ISSN: 0930-0708eISSN: 1438-1168

Mineralogy and Petrology is devoted to multidisciplinary coverage of the entire field of mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry. Its coverage focuses on mineralogically-oriented topics in crystallography, crystal chemistry, applied mineralogy, mineral physics, the study of ore deposits, and environmental mineralogy, in an attempt to counteract increasing fragmentation in the earth sciences. Mineralogy and Petrology was founded in 1872 by Gustav Tschermak as 'Mineralogische Mitteilungen'. It is one of Europe's oldest geoscience journals. Among its former editors are such outstanding names as Gustav Tschermak, Friedrich Becke, Felix Machatschki, Josef Zemann and Eugen F. Stumpfl.

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ISSN: 0026-4695eISSN: 1573-1871

Minerva is devoted to the study of ideas, traditions, cultures, and institutions in science, higher education, and research. It is equally focused on historical as well as present practices and on local as well as global issues. Moreover, the journal does not represent one single school of thought, but rather welcomes diversity within the rules of rational discourse. The journal features peer reviewed articles and essay reviews. In addition, special issues are periodically published on themes of topical importance.

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Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

ISSN: 1381-2386eISSN: 1573-1596

We are pleased to announce that Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change has been accepted in September 2010 by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) for inclusion in the Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, and Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change addresses a wide range of timely environment, economic and energy topics including global climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid deposition, eutrophication of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, species extinction and loss of biological diversity, deforestation and forest degradation, desertification, soil resource degradation, land-use change, sea level rise, destruction of coastal zones, depletion of fresh water and marine fisheries, loss of wetlands and riparian zones and hazardous waste management.The journal provides a forum to review, analyze and stimulate the development, testing and impl

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Mobile Networks and Applications

ISSN: 1383-469XeISSN: 1572-8153

The journal Mobile Networks and Applications reflects the emerging symbiosis of portable computers and wireless networks, addressing the convergence of mobility, computing and information organization, access and management. In its special issues, the journal places an equal emphasis on various areas of nomadic computing, data management, related software and hardware technologies, and mobile user services, alongside more ‘classical’ topics in wireless and mobile networking. The journal documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution.

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

ISSN: 2363-6203eISSN: 2363-6211
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Molecular Biology

ISSN: 0026-8984
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Molecular Biology Reports

ISSN: 0301-4851eISSN: 1573-4978

Molecular Biology Reports is an international journal on molecular and cellular biology. The journal publishes both original research papers and (mini)-reviews. Among the fields of interest are DNA replication, transcription, nucleic acid-protein interaction, RNA processing, intracellular transport, protein biosynthesis, and related subjects. The journal publishes results of original research in clinically related biochemistry which approach the subject from a fundamental point of view. Papers on new techniques promoting experimental progress are also presented.

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Molecular Biotechnology

ISSN: 1073-6085eISSN: 1559-0305

Molecular Biotechnology publishes original research papers on the application of molecular biology to both basic and applied research in biotechnology. Particular areas of interest include the stability and expression of cloned gene products, cell transformation, gene cloning systems and the production of recombinant proteins, protein purification and analysis, transgenic species, developmental biology, mutation analysis, the applications of DNA fingerprinting, RNA interference, and PCR technology, microarray technology, proteomics, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, plant molecular biology, microbial genetics, gene probes and the diagnosis of disease, pharmaceuticals, therapeutic agents, vaccines, gene targeting, gene therapy, stem cell technology and tissue engineering, antisense technology, protein engineering and enzyme technology, monoclonal antibodies, glycobiology and glycomics, and agricultural biotechnology. The journal also presents review articles on subjects in these areas.

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Molecular Breeding

ISSN: 1380-3743eISSN: 1572-9788

Molecular Breeding is an international journal focused on applications of plant molecular biology: research most likely leading to practical applications with demonstrable benefits for farmers, the seed and processing industries, the environment and the consumer in both the industrialized and the developing world. Papers chosen for publication contribute to the understanding and progress of modern plant breeding, encompassing the scientific disciplines of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, pathology, plant breeding and ecology, among others. Topics include contemporary methods of molecular genetics and genomic analysis, structural and functional genomics in crops, proteomics and metabolic profiling, abiotic stress and field evaluation of transgenic crops containing particular traits. The journal also publishes short communications, papers describing novel methods and review papers. All submissions are subject to peer review, ensuring the highest scientific standards.

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Molecular Diversity

ISSN: 1381-1991eISSN: 1573-501X

Molecular Diversity presents refereed papers describing the development, application and theory of molecular diversity, and combinatorial chemistry in basic and applied research and drug discovery. The journal publishes both short and full-length papers, perspectives, news and reviews. Coverage addresses the generation of molecular diversity, application of diversity for screening against alternative targets of all types, analysis of results and their application in various scientific disciplines. Topics include combinatorial chemistry and parallel synthesis; small molecule libraries; microwave synthesis; flow synthesis; fluorous synthesis; diversity oriented synthesis (DOS); nanoreactors; click chemistry; multiplex technologies; fragment- and ligand-based design; structure/function/SAR; computational chemistry and molecular design; chemoinformatics; screening techniques and screening interfaces; analytical and purification methods; robotics, automation and miniaturization; targeted libraries; display librar

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Molecular Genetics and Genomics

ISSN: 1617-4615eISSN: 1617-4623

The First Journal on Genetics, founded in 1908
Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG) publishes peer-reviewed articles covering all areas of genetics and genomics. Any approach to the study of genes and genomes is considered, be it experimental, theoretical or synthetic. MGG publishes research on all organisms that is of broad interest to those working in the fields of genetics, genomics, biology, medicine and biotechnology.

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Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology

ISSN: 0891-4168eISSN: 1934-841X

Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology addresses theoretical and applied topics in molecular genetics of pro- and eukaryotes, molecular microbiology and molecular virology. The journal focuses on studies of the genetic apparatus of microorganisms, the search for genetic forms of metabolism, genetic mapping of pathogenic causative agents, investigations of the structure and functions of extrachromosomal factors of heredity and migratory genetic elements, and theoretical studies on the mechanisms of genetic regulation. Topics include the molecular and genetic elements of eukaryotic cells, the function of chromosomes and chromatin, the nature of genetic changes in malignant degeneration, hereditary diseases. Also covered are the molecular bases of virology, including viral and cellular genomes integration and viral persistence. The journal's scope of coverage includes the biotechnological production of hormones, components of antiviral vaccines, and diagnostic and therapeutic preparations.

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