Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing publishes research and selective surveys papers ranging from the fundamentals to important new findings. The journal responds to and provides a solution to the widely scattered nature of publications in this area, offering unity of theme, reduced duplication of effort, and greatly enhanced communication among researchers and practitioners in the field.A partial list of topics addressed in the journal includes multidimensional control systems design and implementation;Â multidimensional stability and realization theory; prediction and filtering of multidimensional processes; Spatial-temporal signal processing; multidimensional filters and filter-banks; array signal processing; and applications of multidimensional systems and signal processing to areas such as healthcare and 3-D imaging techniques.
This journal details innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. It features theoretical, experimental, and survey articles. Coverage in Multimedia Systems includes: - Integration of digital video and audio capabilities in computer systems - Multimedia information encoding and data interchange formats - Operating system mechanisms for digital multimedia - Digital video and audio networking and communication - Storage models and structures - Methodologies, paradigms, tools, and software architectures for supporting multimedia applications - Multimedia applications and application program interfaces, and multimedia endsystem architectures.
Multimedia Tools and Applications publishes original research articles on multimedia development and system support tools as well as case studies of multimedia applications. It also features experimental and survey articles. The journal is intended for academics, practitioners, scientists and engineers who are involved in multimedia system research, design and applications. All papers are peer reviewed.Specific areas of interest include: - Multimedia Tools: - Multimedia Applications: - Prototype multimedia systems and platforms - Home - Education and Training - Operations - Public - Business Office - Visual Information Systems
Musculoskeletal Surgery – Formerly La Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento, founded in 1917 at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year. The journal provides up-to-date information to clinicians and scientists through the publication of original papers, reviews, case reports, and brief communications dealing with the pathogenesis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions. An electronic version is also available at The journal is open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings: conditions can be obtained from the Editors-in-Chief or the Publisher.
Mycological Progress is a peer-reviewed, international journal on all aspects of fungi, including lichens. It publishes original articles, as well as reviews and methods papers on the taxonomy, systematics, evolutionary biology, cell biology, ecology, pathology and biotechnology of fungi. Topics covered include studies of gene sequences, cell wall carbohydrate composition and ubiquinone components in ascomycetous yeasts and dimorphic fungi; discovery of a new species of Geastrum; Tuscan mosses and liverworts and much more. Mycological Progress is affiliated with more than 10 European national mycological societies, including the German Mycological Society. The Editor-in-Chief is Franz Oberwinkler, Universität Tübingen, Botanisches Institut, Tübingen, Germany.
Celebrating 75th anniversary of MycopathologiaIt was founded in 1938 as an international journal devoted to the study of the role of fungi in human and animal disease. Many of the milestones discoveries in the field of medical mycology have been communicated through the pages of this journal. A special commemorative issue is planned at the end of 2013 to mark this occasion. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief or the Publishing Editor to share your stories or suggestions in this special year of festivities. This journal publishes original articles and case reports highlighting important developments in the fields of medical and veterinary mycology. Mycopathologia covers a diverse, interdisciplinary range of topics that is unique in breadth and depth. We also welcome papers on systematics and taxonomy of fungi involved in these fields. Timely opinion articles, mini-reviews and other communications are usually invited at the discretion of the editorial board.The Editor-in-Chief is Vishnu Chaturvedi, New York Sta
Mycorrhiza is an international journal devoted to research into mycorrhizas - the widest symbioses in nature, involving plants and a range of soil fungi world-wide. The journal covers research into mycorrhizas, including molecular biology of the plants and fungi, fungal systematics, development and structure of mycorrhizas, and effects on plant physiology, productivity, reproduction and disease resistance. Coverage extends to interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms, and effects of mycorrhizas on plant biodiversity and ecosystem structure. Mycorrhiza presents original papers, short notes and review articles, along with commentaries and news items. It offers a platform for new concepts and discussions, and serves as the basis for a forum of mycorrhizologists from around the world. Managing Editors: Vivienne Gianinazzi-Pearson, Dijon, France, and Randy Molina, Gresham, Oregon, USA Mycorrhiza is the official organ of the International Mycorrhiza Society.
Mycotoxin Research, the official publication of the Society for Mycotoxin Research, is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal dealing with all aspects related to toxic fungal metabolites. The journal publishes original research articles and reviews in all areas dealing with mycotoxins. As an interdisciplinary platform, Mycotoxin Research welcomes submission of scientific contributions in the following research fields:
- Ecology and genetics of mycotoxin formation- Mode of action of mycotoxins, metabolism and toxicology- Agricultural production and mycotoxins- Human and animal health aspects, including exposure studies and risk assessment - Food and feed safety, including occurrence, prevention, regulatory aspects, and control of mycotoxins- Environmental safety and technology-related aspects of mycotoxins- Chemistry, synthesis and analysisRationale Nanoscale technologies are currently surrounded by both hype and fear. Optimists suggest that these technologies are desperately needed to solve problems of terrorism, global warming, the shortage of clean water, land degradation and health. Pessimists fear the loss of privacy and loss of autonomy, 'grey goo' and weapons of mass destruction, and serious environmental and health risks. There is also concern about the fair distribution of the costs and benefits of the technology. The field needs a forum for informed discussion of ethical and social issues related to nanotechnology to counterbalance popular discussions and fragmented representation of opinions and findings. NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale provides this forum. Nature of the journal This journal will be a multidisciplinary forum for exploration of issues presented by converging technology applications. While the central focus of the journal will be on the ethical issues, it is recognized that these discussions must be informed by, at least, the physical, biological and social sciences and the law. Focus NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale will focus on the philosophically and scientifically rigorous examination of the ethical and societal considerations and the public and policy concerns inherent in nanotechnology research and development. These issues include both individual and societal problems, and include individual health, wellbeing and human enhancement, human integrity and autonomy, distribution of the costs and benefits, threats to culture and tradition and to political and economic stability. Additionally there are meta-issues including the neutrality or otherwise of technology, designing technology in a value-sensitive way, and the control of scientific research. Re, adership and Editorial Board This journal will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students in the various disciplines related to nanotechnology, and to scientific and technological policymakers. The composition of the editorial board reflects the multidisciplinary approach of the journal.
Im Mittelpunkt der Zeitschrift Natur und Recht steht das gesamte Recht des ökologischen Natur- und Umweltschutzes. Darüber hinaus wird auch das Recht behandelt, das der Natur zusetzt: Dies sind vor allem das Bau- und Fachplanungsrecht. Auch das Immissionsschutz-, Abfall-, Wasser-, Bodenschutz- und Landesplanungsrecht gehören zum Themenspektrum der Natur und Recht, ebenso wie das umweltrelevante Jagd-, Fischerei-, Forst- und Landwirtschaftsrecht. Schließlich finden das Tierschutz- und Denkmalschutzrecht eine Plattform., .
Natural Computing refers to computational processes observed in nature, and human-designed computing inspired by nature. When complex natural phenomena are analyzed in terms of computational processes, our understanding of both nature and the essence of computation is enhanced. Characteristic for human-designed computing inspired by nature is the metaphorical use of concepts, principles and mechanisms underlying natural systems. Natural computing includes evolutionary algorithms, neural networks, molecular computing and quantum computing. The journal Natural Computing provides a forum for discovery in natural computing, offering links among researchers and insight into trends in an emerging specialty. The journal reports on theory, experiments, and applications, and covers natural computing from a very broad perspective, including use of algorithms to consider evolution as a computational process, and neural networks in light of computational trends in brain research. Now indexed in ISI.
Natural Hazards is devoted to original research work on all aspects of natural hazards, including the forecasting of catastrophic events, risk management, and the nature of precursors of natural and technological hazards.
Although hazards can originate in different sources and systems, such as atmospheric, hydrologic, oceanographic, volcanologic, seismic, neotectonic, the environmental impacts are equally catastrophic. This warrants a close interaction between different scientific and operational disciplines, aimed at enhancing the mitigation of hazards.
Coverage includes such categories of hazard as atmospheric, climatological, oceanographic, storm surges, tsunamis, floods, snow, avalanches, landslides, erosion, earthquakes, volcanoes, man-made and technological, as well as risk assessment.
This journal is devoted to semantics and its interfaces in grammar, especially syntax. It encourages the convergence of approaches employing the concepts of logic and philosophy with perspectives of generative grammar on the relations between meaning and structure. Natural Language Semantics publishes studies focused on linguistic phenomena, including quantification, negation, modality, genericity, tense, aspect, aktionsarten, focus, presuppositions, anaphora, definiteness, plurals, mass nouns, adjectives, adverbial modification, nominalization, ellipsis, and interrogatives. The journal features mainly research articles, but also short squibs as well as remarks on and replies to pertinent books and articles.
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical research that pays close attention to natural language data, offering a channel of communication between researchers of a variety of points of view. The journal actively seeks to bridge the gap between descriptive work and work of a highly theoretical, less empirically oriented nature. In attempting to strike this balance, the journal presents work that makes complex language data accessible to those unfamiliar with the language area being studied and work that makes complex theoretical positions more accessible to those working outside the theoretical framework under review. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory features: generative studies on the syntax, semantics, phonology and the lexicon of natural language surveys of recent theoretical developments that facilitate accessibility for a graduate student readership reactions/replies to recent papers book reviews of important linguistics titles special topic issu
Natural Resources Research (NRR) is one of three journals sponsored by the International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG) and is co-sponsored by the Energy Mineral Division of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG/EMD). NRR publishes quantitative geoscientific studies reporting on the search for and development of natural resources, including their associated environmental, economical, and risk-related aspects. Reports regarding petroleum or energy-mineral resources are of interest, as are investigations on the exploitation of any metallic or non-metallic resource. Example studies include the use of geoscientific data or analyses to assess measurement or sampling methods compare exploitation strategies evaluate policies regarding site development, use, and remediation identify important factors for economic and/or technical success test statistical or deterministic models for the exploration, assessment, and/or development of resources containing coal clean coal, decarbonized energy, and hydrogen conventional oil and gas under any recovery process copper uranium geothermal gypsum precious stones unconventional oil or gas, including gas hydrates, heavy oil, coalbed methane, and oil shale vegetation water carbon dioxide production or sequestration Case studies are particularly welcome. Papers submitted must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere: all papers are peer-reviewed.Natural Resources Research is an official journal of the IAMG and AAPG/EMD and members should direct subscription information and changes of a, ddress to IAMG Office, 4 Cataraqui St., Suite 310, Kingston ON K7K 1Z7 Canada. Statements and opinions expressed in publications of the IAMG and AAPG/EMD are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of either sponsoring society, the editors, or the organizations with which the authors are affiliated. The editor, publisher, and the IAMG and AAPG/EMD disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material and do not guarantee, warrant or endorse any product or service mentioned.