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Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education

eISSN: 2693-9169
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Journal of Statistics and Management Systems

ISSN: 0972-0510eISSN: 2169-0014

The Journal of Statistics & Management Systems is a refereed journal following two-referee system which is currently being published in one volume per year of six issues in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November along with the Online version.

Original research papers, survey articles, book reviews, dissertation abstracts etc. devoted to all theoretical and applicable topics in Statistics, Management System and related areas are considered for publication in this journal.

Peer Review Policy
All manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.
Taylor & Francis and Taru Publications make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in our publications. However, Taylor & Francis and Taru Publications, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis and Taru Publications. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor & Francis and Taru Publications shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at
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Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance

ISSN: 2470-5314eISSN: 2470-5322

Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance covers the broad fields of structural engineering, construction materials engineering, and foundation engineering.

The terms of structural integrity and structural maintenance are used to ensure the structural performance of a component, a single structure, or a structure consisting of different components for the designed life of them: i.e., broad and deep aspects of the performance-based engineering including the analysis, design, and maintenance of structural components and systems to assure their integrity throughout their life cycles are included.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers on topics related to the-state-of-the-art methods for structural maintenance and inspection, structural integrity and safety, design optimization, installation and decommissioning, retrofitting, structural health monitoring, nondestructive testing, repair and rehabilitation, and structural design and construction management. The topics of the articles include the following:
•    Fundamental design and modeling in the area of structural engineering
•    Construction materials engineering and foundation engineering
•    Analysis of the experimental and computational results
•    Investigation of the properties of innovative construction and geotechnical materials in terms of maintenance and management

Practical-oriented topics and cases studies for buildings, stadiums, bridges, highways, foundations, roads, pavements, tunnels, railways, industrial facilities, silos, offshore and onshore plants, nuclear structures, retaining structures, slope stability, and dams are also encouraged and welcomed.

Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance is the Official Journal of Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (

Peer Review Policy
All peer review is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

Taylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month’s free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website.

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Journal of Substance Use

ISSN: 1465-9891eISSN: 1475-9942

Journal of Substance Use is a bimonthly international journal, publishing peer-reviewed, up-to-the-minute articles on a wide spectrum of issues relating to the use of legal and illegal substances. The Journal aims to educate, inform, update and act as a forum for standard setting for health and social care professionals working with individuals and families with substance use problems. It also informs and supports those undertaking research in substance use, developing substance use services, and participating in, leading and developing education and training programmes. Journal of Substance Use adopts an eclectic stance and aims to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination around subjects of innovative and proven practice. This includes issues of prevention, treatment and policy whilst ensuring that issues are examined from a variety of perspectives for instance, clinical, managerial, service development, problem use, service use, and family perspective. Papers may explore legal issues, therapeutic interventions and treatments, and behavioural approaches. Read More:

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Journal of Sulfur Chemistry

ISSN: 1741-5993eISSN: 1741-6000

The Journal of Sulfur Chemistry is an international journal for the dissemination of scientific results in the rapidly expanding realm of sulfur chemistry. The journal publishes high quality reviews, full papers and communications in the following areas: organic and inorganic chemistry, industrial chemistry, materials and polymer chemistry, biological chemistry and interdisciplinary studies directly related to sulfur science.Papers outlining theoretical, physical, mechanistic or synthetic studies pertaining to sulfur chemistry are welcome. Hence the target audience is made up of academic and industrial chemists with peripheral or focused interests in sulfur chemistry. Manuscripts that truly define the aims of the journal include, but are not limited to, those that offer: a) innovative use of sulfur reagents; b) new synthetic approaches to sulfur-containing biomolecules, materials or organic and organometallic compounds; c) theoretical and physical studies that facilitate the understanding of sulfur structure, bonding or reactivity; d) catalytic, selective, synthetically useful or noteworthy transformations of sulfur containing molecules; e) industrial applications of sulfur chemistry; f) unique sulfur atom or molecule involvement in interfacial phenomena; g) descriptions of solid phase or combinatorial methods involving sulfur containing substrates. Submissions pertaining to related atoms such as selenium and tellurium are also welcome. Articles offering routine heterocycle formation through established reactions of sulfur containing substrates are outside the scope of the journal.The distinguished international Editorial Board will oversee the scientific direction of the journal and will ensure a strict refereeing process so that only high quality submissions are accepted for publication.All published research articles in the Journal of Sulfur Chemistry have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by expert reviewers.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Material

eISSN: 2165-0373

The Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials aims to publish theoretical and applied researches on materials, products and structures that incorporate cement. The journal is a forum for discussion of research on manufacture, hydration and performance of cement-based materials; novel experimental techniques; the latest analytical and modelling methods; the examination and the diagnosis of real cement and concrete structures; and the potential for improved cement-based materials.

The journal welcomes original research papers, major reviews, rapid communications and selected conference papers. The Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials covers a wide range of topics within its subject category, including but are not limited to:
  • raw materials and manufacture of cement
  • mixing, rheology and hydration
  • admixtures
  • structural characteristics and performance of cement-based materials
  • characterisation techniques and modeling
  • use of fibre in cement based-materials
  • degradation and repair of cement-based materials
  • novel testing techniques and applications
  • waste management


Taylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month’s free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website.

Special Terms for Authors & Researchers
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Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment

ISSN: 2043-0795eISSN: 2043-0809

The Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment is a quarterly journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on radical and reformist initiatives for social responsiveness in global financial markets. The Journal specifically focuses on environmental, developmental, social and governance principles as formulated in the financial markets, managed investment, banking, micro-finance, project finance and philanthropy.
The Journal develops the understanding of sustainable investment theory and practice by providing a venue for in-depth discussion and offering a range of accessible, impartial perspectives for researchers and professionals.
The use of sustainable principles has become a major movement in finance. Investment institutions in the major centres are required to disclose how environmental, developmental, social and governance factors are used in portfolio construction. Guidelines issued by the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute, and initiatives such as the Equator Principles, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, and the Carbon Disclosure Project, all suggest a shift of institutional thinking. While these initiatives intersect with and reflect wider commitments including understanding environmental management, corporate governance and social equity, they also reflect unease about the ways globalised financial markets have managed attendant risks.
Such concerns have been met by research from a number of conventionally unrelated fields. By presenting the latest research from a wide range of research directions, the Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment furthers knowledge of the institutional and policy connections needed to progress the goals of sustainability.
The Journal is supported by an editorial board of leading researchers and professionals in sustainable finance.

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Journal of Sustainable Forestry

ISSN: 1054-9811eISSN: 1540-756X

The Journal of Sustainable Forestry provides a linkage of silviculture and the underlying biology: tree physiology, morphology, and genetics. As such, it elucidates the scientific principles and techniques of controlling, protecting, and restoring the regeneration, composition, and growth of natural forest vegetation as well as plantations, agroforestry, and silvo-pastoral systems. The scope of the Journal of Sustainable Forestry is broad. It encompasses topics from biotechnology, physiology, silviculture, wood science, economics, and forest management. New research pertaining to enhancing the sustainability of forests is considered and encouraged, including papers at the molecular, cellular, whole tree, and forest level. Research results dealing with above- and below-ground perspectives are also published in the journal. The journal focuses not only on the sustainability of forests as providers of fuel and lumber, but integrative aspects of agroforestry and sustainable agriculture insofar as forest crops are concerned. Issues that are addressed include: sustainable forestry in the less-developed countries effects of gaseous pollutants and acid rain on tree production and growth water use efficiency increased resistance to low and high temperature stress strategies for forest adaptation to global climate change the role of organic biostimulants in sustainable forestry and agricultureWhile there are journals that deal individually with these various disciplines, the Journal of Sustainable Forestry brings them together and puts them in one forum. The articles focus on new and integrative approaches to the topic and emphasize diversity, creativity, and innovation. It is indeed a welcome publication for both academics and forest managers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Systematic Palaeontology

ISSN: 1477-2019eISSN: 1478-0941

Now Publishing with Taylor & Francis: Free Online access to Volume 8 Issue 1 The Journal of Systematic Palaeontology publishes papers which use systematics in ways that significantly advance our understanding of palaeogeography, palaeobiology, functional morphology, palaeoecology, biostratigraphy or phylogenetic relationships, as well as papers describing new or poorly understood fossil faunas and floras. Shorter contributions on technical or conceptual issues relating to systematic methodology and conservation issues are also welcome. However, papers that simply present systematic descriptions without attempting to explain their broader significance will not be published. Collections of thematic papers, such as those arising from symposia, are occasionally published, and these may have a more liberal remit. Disclaimer The Natural History Museum and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Taibah University for Science

eISSN: 1658-3655

Journal of Taibah University for Science (JTUSCI) is an international scientific journal for the basic sciences. This journal is produced and published by Taibah University, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The scope of the journal is to publish peer reviewed research papers, short communications, reviews and comments as well as the scientific conference proceedings in a special issue. The emphasis is on biology, geology, chemistry, environmental control, mathematics and statistics, nanotechnology, physics, and related fields of study. The JTUSCI now quarterly publishes four issues (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct) per year. Submission to the Journal is based on the understanding that the article has not been previously published in any other form and is not considered for publication elsewhere.

Research Paper: There are 8 pages as maximum limit to the length of the research paper. It should include a set of keywords and an abstract followed by Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References.

Short Communication: deals with a concise study or preliminary findings that indicate an innovative piece of research that could be less substantial than a full research paper. Short Communication is limited to 2000 words. It should include a set of keywords, an Abstract and a 'Results and Discussion' Section (should be combined) and followed by Conclusion. The number of references is limited to 20 and the number of figures and/or tables is limited to 3.

Letter: Description of novel finding that might not be suitable for a regular research paper or short communication. Letter is limited to 1000 words. The number of references is 10 and the number of figures and/or tables is 2, and 10 references.

Review or mini-review: invited reviews should be of high interest to the readers of the scientific community.

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Journal of Thermal Stresses

ISSN: 0149-5739eISSN: 1521-074X

The first international journal devoted exclusively to the subject, Journal of Thermal Stresses publishes refereed articles on the theoretical and industrial applications of thermal stresses. Intended as a forum for those engaged in analytic as well as experimental research, this journal, now published monthly, includes papers on mathematical and practical applications. Emphasis is placed on new developments in thermoelasticity, thermoplasticity, and theory and applications of thermal stresses. Papers on experimental methods and on numerical methods, including finite element methods, are also published. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues

ISSN: 1528-7394eISSN: 1087-2620

Now published twenty-four times per year, this authoritative journal features strictly refereed original research in the field of environmental toxicology in general as well as in special interest fields such as target organ toxicities, immunotoxicology, risk assessment, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, ecotoxicology, environmental factors affecting health, and aquatic toxicology. Emphasis is on the toxicological effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental pollutants and their action on both intact organisms and in vitro systems. Increased attention is being placed on the results of epidemiological studies of select groups of workers in exposed populations. To facilitate the timely publication of short articles, the journal has added a new Rapid Communications section, keeping readers on top of important new developments in the field, as they happen. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Translational Research

eISSN: 2994-7448
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Journal of Transportation Safety & Security

ISSN: 1943-9962eISSN: 1943-9970
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Journal of Turbulence

eISSN: 1468-5248
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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology

ISSN: 0272-4634eISSN: 1937-2809

The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (or JVP) was founded in 1980 at the University of Oklahoma by Dr. Jiri Zidek, with financial support from the University of Oklahoma Presidential Associates Fund; it was continued in 1984 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. JVP is issued four times per year and publishes original contributions on all aspects of vertebrate paleontology, including vertebrate origins, evolution, functional morphology, taxonomy, biostratigraphy, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, and paleoanthropology.

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Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine

ISSN: 1745-3054eISSN: 1745-3062

The Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for the interchange of information and ideas on the development, implementation and use of communications media for educational, record and research purposes in all areas of the Health Sciences. A particular emphasis is placed on multimedia and computer-based advancements.

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Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology

ISSN: 0277-3813eISSN: 1532-2319

Focusing exclusively on the chemistry of wood, wood components, and wood products, the Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology covers the latest advances in areas such as lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and extractives chemistry; wood and bark chemicals; wood-based biomaterials synthesis and characterization; and biomass conversion or utilization. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of chemical engineering of Japan

ISSN: 0021-9592eISSN: 1881-1299
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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

ISSN: 1096-2247eISSN: 2162-2906
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