The Lithuanian Mathematical Journal publishes high-quality original papers mainly in pure mathematics. This multidisciplinary quarterly journal provides mathematicians and researchers in other areas of science with a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of vital ideas in the field of mathematics.Coverage includes:probability theory and statisticsdifferential equations (theory and numerical methods)number theoryfinancial and actuarial mathematics, econometrics. The journal features research papers from those whose work is related to the advances being made by Lithuanian mathematicians.
More information is available at the editors' website via the following link:
The Liverpool Law Review is a tri-annual journal of contemporary domestic, European and international legal and social policy issues. The Journal aims to provide articles, commentaries and reviews across a wide range of theoretical and practical legal and social policy matters - including public law, private law, civil and criminal justice, international law, ethics and legal theory. The Journal has many international subscribers and regularly publishes important contributions from the U.K. and abroad. Articles and commentaries are published with sufficient speed to ensure that they are truly current.
Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal, publishing as the name suggests, reviews of research in all areas of relativity. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and are directed toward physicists at the graduate student level and beyond. Articles appearing in Living Reviews provide current and insightful overviews of what's happening in the fields they cover as well as annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and online resources pertaining to these fields. One of the most important features of Living Reviews is that its articles are kept up to date by their authors. This is the significance of the word "Living" in the journal's title.With high quality, easily navigable, current editorial content, and with meaningful indexing of print and electronic resources, Living Reviews will develop into an information system researchers can use to follow and to learn more about the status of investigations in relativity. Living Reviews intends to become one of the first places a scientist looks for information about work in the fields covered by the journal. Recognizing that many respectable electronic efforts are already in progress, Living Reviews complements, rather than replicates, existing WWW physics resources. Living Reviews achieves this by providing refereed, expertly written articles which frame and link the resources that are most valuable in understanding current relativity research.
Living Reviews in Solar Physics is an exclusively web-based, peer-reviewed journal, publishing reviews of research in all areas of solar and heliospheric physics. Articles are solicited from leading authorities and are intended for physicists at or above the graduate-student level. The articles in Living Reviews provide up-to-date critical reviews of the state of research in the fields they cover. Articles also offer annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and describe online resources available in these fields. Living Reviews is unique in maintaining a suite of high-quality reviews; its articles are subjected to strict peer-review and are kept up-to-date by the authors. This is the meaning of the word "Living" in the journal's title. Living Reviews in Solar Physics is the second Living Reviews journal following Living Reviews in Relativity , which is now online in it's sixth year.
Logica Universalis (LU) publishes peer-reviewed research papers related to universal features of logics. Topics include general tools and techniques for studying already existing logics and building new ones, the study of classes of logics, the scope of validity and the domain of application of fundamental theorems, and also philosophical and historical aspects of general concepts of logiC.
Bibliographic Data
Log. Univers.
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 500 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 1661-8297 (print)
ISSN 1661-8300 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.07 (2011)
Lung publishes original articles, reviews and editorials on all aspects of the healthy and diseased lungs, of the airways, and of breathing. Epidemiological, clinical, pathophysiological, biochemical, and pharmacological studies fall within the scope of the journal. Case reports, short communications and technical notes can be accepted if they are of particular interest.
MAPAN-Journal Metrology Society of India is a quarterly publication. It is exclusively devoted to Metrology (Scientific, Industrial or Legal). It has been fulfilling an important need of Metrologists and particularly of quality practitioners by publishing exclusive articles on scientific, industrial and legal metrology. The journal publishes research communication or technical articles of current interest in measurement science; original work, tutorial or survey papers in any metrology related area; reviews and analytical studies in metrology; case studies on reliability, uncertainty in measurements; and reports and results of intercomparison and proficiency testing.
Founded in 1920 by Corrado Gini, METRON presents original articles on statistical methodology and statistical applications, as well as discussions of results achieved by statistical methods encompassing many branches of science. .
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The International Journal of Automation and Computing (IJAC) publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include but are not limited to: Artificial intelligence, Automatic control, Bio-informatics, Computer science, Information technology, Modelling and simulation, Networks and communications, Optimization and decision, Pattern recognition, Robotics, Signal processing, Systems engineering.
Machine Learning is an international forum for research on computational approaches to learning. The journal publishes articles reporting substantive results on a wide range of learning methods applied to a variety of learning problems. The journal features papers that describe research on problems and methods, applications research, and issues of research methodology. Papers making claims about learning problems or methods provide solid support via empirical studies, theoretical analysis, or comparison to psychological phenomena. Applications papers show how to apply learning methods to solve important applications problems. Research methodology papers improve how machine learning research is conducted. All papers describe the supporting evidence in ways that can be verified or replicated by other researchers. The papers also detail the learning component clearly and discuss assumptions regarding knowledge representation and the performance task.
Sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition, this journal publishes high-quality, technical contributions in machine vision research and development. Machine Vision and Applications features coverage of all applications and engineering aspects of image-related computing, including original contributions dealing with scientific, commercial, industrial, military, and biomedical applications of machine vision. The journal places particular emphasis on the engineering and technology aspects of image processing and computer vision. It includes coverage of the following aspects of machine vision applications: algorithms, architectures, VLSI implementations, AI techniques and expert systems for machine vision, front-END sensing, multidimensional and multisensor machine vision, real-time techniques, image databases, virtual reality and visualization.
Macromolecular Research is a scientific journal published monthly by the Polymer Society of Korea. Macromolecular Research publishes original researches on all aspects of polymer science, engineering, and technology as well as new emerging technologies using polymeric materials including nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information technology in forms of Articles, Communications, Notes, Reviews, and Feature articles.
The focus of the journal 'magazine of european medical oncology – memo' is to offer a professional review on current research and development in the field of hematology and oncology relevant for daily practice. Therefore, memo includes editorials and comments, peer-reviewed original reports, short reviews, case reports and controversies, articles explaining the biology of neoplasia and congress reports including qualified comments. As a European journal memo aims at highlighting the local peculiarities of various regions and at being a forum for the presentation of ongoing clinical and basic research.memo is the Official Journal of the Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG) and The Austrian Society of Haematology and Oncology (OeGHO).
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA) is a multidisciplinary international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance techniques and their applications in medicine and biology. MAGMA currently presents short communications, full-length research papers, invited reviews, commentaries, and book reviews. The subject areas covered by MAGMA include advances in materials, hardware and software in magnetic resonance technology; new developments and results in research and practical applications of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy related to biology and medicine; study of animal models and intact cells and reports of clinical trials on humans and clinical validation of magnetic resonance protocols.
Mammalian Genome focuses on experimental, theoretical, and technical aspects of genomics and genetics in mouse, human, and other species, particularly those which bear on studies of gene function. The journal publishes original papers that present novel findings in all areas of mammalian genetic research as well as reviews on areas of topical interest. The journal also features commentary and editorial to alert and inform readers of developments in the areas of mammalian genetics and functional genomics. Coverage emphasizes gene structure and expression studies; mutagenesis, the characterization of new mutations and the identification of animal models of human genetic disorders; genetic, physical, and comparative mapping, particularly for the study of gene function; genetic analysis of complex traits; informatics related to genome analysis and functional genomics; novel technical approaches. Mammalian Genome is the official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society.
MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW is a double-blind refereed journal that aims at the advancement and dissemination of research in the fields of International Management. The scope of the journal comprises International Business, Cross-Cultural Management, and Comparative Management. The journal publishes research that builds or extends International Management theory so that it can contribute to International Management practice.