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Journal of the Economic Science Association

ISSN: 2199-6776eISSN: 2199-6784
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Journal of the History of Biology

ISSN: 0022-5010eISSN: 1573-0387

The Journal of the History of Biology is devoted to the history of the biological sciences, with additional interest and concern in philosophical and social issues confronting biology. While all historical epochs are touched upon, the journal pays particular attention to developments during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The journal serves both the working biologist who needs a full understanding to the historical and philosophical bases of the field and the historian of biology interested in following developments in the biological sciences.

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Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics

eISSN: 2364-9569
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Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

ISSN: 0255-660XeISSN: 0974-3006

The aims and scope of the Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing areto help towards advancement, dissemination and application of the knowledge of Remote Sensing technology, which is deemed to include photo interpretation, photogrammetry, aerial photography, image processing, and other related technologies in the field of survey, planning and management of natural resources and other areas of application where the technology is considered to be appropriate, to promote interaction among all persons, bodies, institutions (private and/or state-owned) and industries interested in achieving advancement, dissemination and application of the technology, to encourage and undertake research in remote sensing and related technologies and to undertake and execute all acts which shall promote all or any of the aims and objectives of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.

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Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society

ISSN: 1735-207XeISSN: 1735-2428
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Journal of the Knowledge Economy

ISSN: 1868-7865eISSN: 1868-7873

In the context of rapid globalization and technological capacity, the world’s economies today are driven increasingly by knowledge—the expertise, skills, experience, education, understanding, awareness, perception, and other qualities required to communicate, interpret, and analyze information. New wealth is created by the application of knowledge to improve productivity—and to create new products, services, systems, and process (i.e., to innovate). The Journal of the Knowledge Economy focuses on the dynamics of the knowledge-based economy, with an emphasis on the role of knowledge creation, diffusion, and application across three economic levels: (1) the systemic 'meta' or 'macro'-level, (2) the organizational 'meso'-level, and (3) the individual 'micro'-level. The journal incorporates insights from the fields of economics, management, law, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science to shed new light on the evolving role of knowledge, with a particular emphasis on how innovation can be leveraged to provide solutions to complex problems and issues, including global crises in environmental sustainability, education, and economic development. Articles emphasize empirical studies, underscoring a comparative approach, and, to a lesser extent, case studies and theoretical articles. The journal balances practice/application and theory/concepts.

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Journal of the Korean Physical Society

ISSN: 0374-4884eISSN: 1976-8524
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Journal of the Operations Research Society of China

ISSN: 2194-668XeISSN: 2194-6698
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Journal of vibration engineering & technologies.

ISSN: 2523-3920eISSN: 2523-3939
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Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces

ISSN: 1783-7677eISSN: 1783-8738

In the development of multimodal interfaces, this journal offers a standard reference for multidisciplinary work.
As implied by the word Interfaces rather than Interactions in the title, the journal seeks to illustrate verifiable realisations over purely theoretical musings. The journal focuses on multimodal interfaces developed with an emphasis on user-centric design. Thus, usability and architectural considerations are also key targets.

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Jus Cogens

ISSN: 2524-3977eISSN: 2524-3985
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KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1226-7988eISSN: 1976-3808

The KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering is a technical journal published bimonthly by the Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE). The journal publishes original papers within the broad field of civil engineering which include, but are not limited to, the following: Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway Engineering, Information Technology, Nuclear Power Engineering, Railroad Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, Water Engineering.Theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies, state-of-the-art reviews are all welcomed and encouraged for the advance of science and technology in civil engineering.

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KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie

ISSN: 0023-2653eISSN: 1861-891X

Die soziologische Fachzeitschrift 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie' (KZfSS) wurde 1948 durch den Kölner Soziologen Leopold von Wiese als 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie' gegründet. Sein Amtsnachfolger René König richtete sie stärker auf sozialpsychologische Themenstellungen aus, u.a. Kultursoziologie und qualitative Sozialforschung, wodurch sie ihren heutigen Namen erhielt.

Sie ist nach Umfang und Verbreitung das bei weitem bedeutendste soziologische Fachorgan im deutschen Sprachraum und berichtet umfassend über die deutsche soziologische Forschung aller Fachrichtungen und vermittelt regelmäßig Forschungsergebnisse aus vielen Ländern der Welt.

Die KZfSS verfolgt das Modell einer soziologischen Universal-Zeitschrift. Neben jährlich über 40 Aufsätzen, bei denen es sich grundsätzlich um Erstveröffentlichungen handelt, werden ausführliche Literaturberichte sowie in einem umfangreichen Rezensionsteil Besprechungen der deutschen und internationalen F

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Kew Bulletin

ISSN: 0075-5974eISSN: 1874-933X

Kew Bulletin is an international peer-reviewed journal for the taxonomy, systematics and conservation of vascular plants and fungi. Papers on conservation, evolution, palynology, cytology, anatomy, biogeography and phytochemistry are considered, where relevant to taxonomy and systematics. Review papers on topics appropriate to the journal are invited. The journal is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs, and also features a Book Review and Notices section. Four parts (c. 640 pp) are published each year.

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Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies

ISSN: 0884-5913eISSN: 1934-8401

Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies is concerned with the physical, integral properties of celestial bodies, kinematic astronomy and its base, astrometry. The journal publishes original and review papers on such topics as: Positional and theoretical astronomy; Earth's rotation and geodynamics; Dynamics and physics of bodies of the Solar System; Solar physics; Physics of stars and the interstellar medium; Structure and dynamics of the Galaxy; Extragalactic astronomy; Atmospheric optics and astronomical climate; Instruments and devices; Databases and more. The journal places an emphasis on structure and dynamics of the Galaxy, as well as on extragalactic astronomy. This journal is as much devoted to astronomical data, methods, and theoretical foundations for their collection, as it is to constructing dynamic and physical models for their interpretation. The journal is published under the auspices of the Division of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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Knowledge and Information Systems

ISSN: 0219-1377eISSN: 0219-3116

Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) provides an international forum for researchers and professionals to share their knowledge and report new advances on all topics related to knowledge systems and advanced information systems. This bi-monthly peer-reviewed archival journal publishes state-of-the-art research reports on emerging topics in KAIS, reviews of important techniques in related areas, and application papers of interest to a general readership. The journal focuses on knowledge systems and advanced information systems, including their theoretical foundations, infrastructure and enabling technologies. We solicit submissions of original research, and experience and vision papers that address this theme. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Knowledge and information processing: theory, techniques and systems knowledge and data engineering decision support active and dynamic systems data sharing and warehousing temporal and spatial database processing intelligent information retrieval learning and adaptation knowledge discovery and data mining artificial life modelling and object orientation software re-engineering co-operativeness, interoperability and software re-usability human-computer interaction hypertext, hypermedia and multimedia data and knowledge visualization Underlying computational techniques soft computing (including neural nets, fuzzy logic, probabilistic reasoning, and rough set theory) evolutionary computing hybrid computing uncertainty management agent architectures and systems (including multi-agent scenarios) Platforms high performance comp, uting systems distributed intelligent systems mobile systems Application to specific problem domains biomedical systems geographical systems software information systems emerging applications (such as Internet technologies and digital libraries) We publish critical review papers to discuss the state of the art in particular areas, as well as state-of-the-art research reports. Accepted papers are grouped for publication so that individual issues focus on a small number of theme areas. In addition to archival papers, the journal also publishes significant on-going research in the form of Short Papers (limited to 3000 words), and very short papers on 'visions and directions' (no more than 1000 words, excluding bibliography). We conduct reviews in a timely fashion and inform authors of decisions with a target turnaround time of 3 months. Selected papers from relevant conferences are welcome. Good papers with high quality reviews can be accepted after the expansion and revision is verified by an Associate Editor of the Editorial Board. Conference organizers are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief for further information.

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Korea-Australia rheology journal

eISSN: 2093-7660
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Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 0256-1115eISSN: 1975-7220

The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering provides a global forum for the dissemination of research in chemical engineering. The Journal publishes significant research results obtained in the Asia-Pacific region, and simultaneously introduces recent technical progress made in other areas of the world to this region. Submitted research papers must be of potential industrial significance and specifically concerned with chemical engineering. The editors will give preference to papers having a clearly stated practical scope and applicability in the areas of chemical engineering, and to those where new theoretical concepts are supported by new experimental details. The Journal also regularly publishes featured reviews on emerging and industrially important subjects of chemical engineering as well as selected papers presented at international conferences on the subjects.

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ISSN: 1590-170XeISSN: 1720-8351
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La Radiologia Medica

ISSN: 0033-8362eISSN: 1826-6983

La Radiologia Medica, founded in 1914, is a peer-reviewed journal intended as a medium for the communication of results and developments in the field of radiology, particularly on advances in diagnostic imaging and its allied sciences. The journal presents original contributions on both basic and clinical aspects of modern radiology, including diagnostic and interventional techniques. Special emphasis is placed on modern imaging techniques, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radiobiology and health physics. The contents include original articles, review articles, editorials, short communications and letters to the editor. The Journal aims at being a forum for the international radiological community, and all articles are published in English and Italian. This is the official journal of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology.

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