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Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

ISSN: 2190-6483eISSN: 2190-6491
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Journal of Evolutionary Economics

ISSN: 0936-9937eISSN: 1432-1386

The Journal of Evolutionary Economics serves as an international forum for this new approach to economics. Following the tradition of Joseph A. Schumpeter, it focuses on original research with an evolutionary view of the economy. Articles feature a strong emphasis on dynamics, changing structures, and disequilibrium processes with an evolutionary perspective. The journal also stresses interdisciplinary analysis and theoretical, methodological, and applied work. Topics include industrial dynamics; multi-sectoral and cross-country studies of productivity; innovations and new technologies; dynamic competition and structural change; causes and effects of technological, political, and social change; cyclic processes in economic evolution; the role of governments in a dynamic world; modeling complex dynamic economic systems; application of concepts such as self-organization, bifurcation, and chaos theory to economics; and evolutionary games.Officially cited as: J Evol Econ

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Journal of Experimental Criminology

ISSN: 1573-3750eISSN: 1572-8315

The Journal of Experimental Criminology focuses on high quality experimental and quasi-experimental research in the development of evidence based crime and justice policy. The journal is committed to the advancement of the science of systematic reviews and experimental methods in criminology and criminal justice. The journal publishes empirical papers, reviews of substantive criminal justice problems, and methodological papers on experimentation and systematic review. Coverage ranges across the broad array of scientific disciplines that are concerned with crime and justice problems.

Ranked 18/253 in Law in the 2010 SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR)Structured Abstracts
The journal now requires structured abstracts for all submissions. Please see the Instructions for Authors for more detailed information.

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Journal of Family Violence

ISSN: 0885-7482eISSN: 1573-2851

The journal focuses on investigations utilizing group comparisons and single-case experimental strategies. It features case studies of special clinical relevance or that describe innovative evaluation and intervention techniques, reviews, and theoretical discussions that substantially contribute to understanding of family violence. This interdisciplinary forum presents information on clinical and investigative efforts concerning all forms of family violence and its precursors, including spouse-battering, child abuse, sexual abuse of children, incest, abuse of the elderly, marital rape, domestic homicide, the alcoholic marriage, and general family conflict. The journal publishes clinical and research reports spanning a broad range of disciplines, including clinical and counseling psychology, sociology, psychiatry, public health, criminology, law, marital counseling, and social work.

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Journal of Family and Economic Issues

ISSN: 1058-0476eISSN: 1573-3475

Journal of Family and Economic Issues is an interdisciplinary publication that explores the intricate relationship between the family and its economic environment. Peer-reviewed contributions address important issues in family management, household division of labor and productivity, relationships between economic and non-economic decisions, and interrelations between work and family life, among others. The journal features: original and applied research: critical reviews: integrative theoretical articles: and reviews of significant books on the field.

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Journal of Fetal Medicine

ISSN: 2348-1153eISSN: 2348-8859
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Journal of Financial Services Research

ISSN: 0920-8550eISSN: 1573-0735

Journal of Financial Services Research has been accepted for Social Sciences Citation Index and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in June 2011. The Journal of Financial Services Research publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research on the demand, supply, regulation, and pricing of financial services. Financial services are broadly defined to include banking, risk management, capital markets, mutual funds, insurance, venture capital, consumer and corporate finance, and the technologies used to produce, distribute, and regulate these services. Macro-financial policy issues, including comparative financial systems, the globalization of financial services, and the impact of these phenomena on economic growth and financial stability, are also within the JFSR’s scope of interest. The Journal seeks to promote research that enriches the profession’s understanding of financial services industries, to elevate industry and product efficiencies, as well as to inform the debate and promote the formulation of sound public policies. Officially cited as: J Financ Serv Res

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Journal of Flow Chemistry

ISSN: 2062-249XeISSN: 2063-0212
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Journal of Fluorescence

ISSN: 1053-0509eISSN: 1573-4994

Journal of Fluorescence is an international forum for peer-reviewed original articles that advance the practice of this established spectroscopic technique. Coverage includes advances in theory and data analysis, studies of the photophysics of aromatic molecules, solvent, and environmental effects, advances in fluorescence microscopy, imaging, photobleaching, and phosphorescence for studies of cell biology, chemical biology and the advanced uses of fluorescence in flow cytometry analysis, immunology, high throughput screening and drug discovery, DNA sequencing and arrays, genomics and proteomics. The journal also publishes papers that describe the synthesis and characterization of new fluorophores, particularly those displaying unique sensitivities or optical properties. In addition to original articles, the Journal also publishes reviews, rapid communications, short communications, letters to the editor, topical news articles, and technical and design notes. Journal of Fluorescence is edited by Professor Chr

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Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization

ISSN: 2193-4126eISSN: 2193-4134

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to new measurement results and novel methods, techniques, and procedures for evaluating and characterizing food products and materials important to process innovation, product development, quality control, and safety assurance.The journal encompasses all topics related to food property measurement and characterization. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Measured food properties (physical, thermal, mechanical, rheological, chemical, transport, biological, textural, sensory etc.) and characteristic patterns resulting from processing and other treatmentsPhysical, chemical, biochemical, biological, microbiological, and engineering principles, methods and mechanisms for food property measurement and characterizationEffective use, evaluation or development of sensing, imaging, and detection modalities for food applicationsNon-destructive and non-invasive evaluations of food propertiesIntroduction of emerging measurement, sensing and characterization techniques to the fieldState-of-the-art reviews on measurement techniques and methodsNovel use or development of statistical, mathematical and computer methods for food characterizationInstrumentation development and evaluationDevelopment and implementation of systems and procedures for food quality, safety and security assurance

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Journal of Food Science and Technology

ISSN: 0022-1155eISSN: 0975-8402

The Journal of Food Science and Technology (JFST) is the official publication of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India (AFSTI). This bimonthly publishes peer-reviewed research papers and reviews in all branches of science, technology, packaging and engineering of foods and food products. Special emphasis is given to fundamental and applied research findings that have potential for enhancing product quality, extend shelf life of fresh and processed food products and improve process efficiency. Critical reviews on new perspectives in food handling and processing, innovative and emerging technologies and trends and future research in food products and food industry byproducts are also welcome. The journal also publishes book reviews relevant to all aspects of food science, technology and engineering.

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Journal of Forestry Research

ISSN: 1007-662XeISSN: 1993-0607

Journal of Forestry Research (JFR), a quarterly journal published by the Northeast Forestry University and Ecological Society of China under administration of the Ministry of Education of P. R. China, was founded in 1990. As an English language journal, the journal mainly reports on practice and research in Ecosystem management, Forest management, Tree breeding, Silviculture, Forest ecology, Landscape ecology, Forest soils, Forest disease and insects, Wildlife ecology and management, Biology engineering and technology, Wood science, Technology of wood processing, Forest engineering. The journal publishes critical reviews, original research papers, technical notes, and short communications. All papers are subject to peer review and are published online on SpringerLink on average within 40 days of acceptance.

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Journal of Formative Design in Learning

eISSN: 2509-8039
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Journal of Friction and Wear

ISSN: 1068-3666eISSN: 1934-9386

The Journal of Friction and Wear publishes theoretical and experimental papers on all aspects of the science of friction, lubrication and wear. Launched in 1980 at the initiative of V. A. Belyi, and I.V. Kragelskii, the journal today remains the primary source of tribological studies in the former Soviet Union. Among the topics covered are: Friction physics and tribosystem thermodynamics; Surface characterization; Wear monitoring; Surface engineering; Nanotribology; Contact mechanics; Metal fatigue, wear susceptibility measurement; Wear-resistant materials, coatings; Tribology of friction pairs, durability analysis; Bearings: contact interaction, thermoelasticity; Lubricants, surfactants, grease fillers; Tribological design, optimization, testing; Tribology of alloys, self-lubricating polymers, antifriction materials; and Biotribology.

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Journal of Fusion Energy

ISSN: 0164-0313eISSN: 1572-9591

The Journal of Fusion Energy features original research contributions and review papers examining the development of thermonuclear fusion as a useful power source. It is designed to serve as a journal of record for publication of research results in the field. This journal also provides a forum for discussion of broader policy and planning issues that have played and will continue to play a crucial role in energy fusion programs. In keeping with this theme, readers will find articles covering an array of important matters of policy and program direction.

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Journal of Gambling Studies

ISSN: 1050-5350eISSN: 1573-3602

Journal of Gambling Studies is an interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination on the many aspects of gambling behavior, both controlled and pathological, as well as variety of problems attendant to, or resultant from, gambling behavior including alcoholism, suicide, crime, and a number of other mental health problems. Articles published in this journal are representative of a cross-section of disciplines including psychiatry, psychology, sociology, political science, criminology, and social work.

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Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer

ISSN: 1941-6628eISSN: 1941-6636

The Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer is a multidisciplinary medium for the publication of novel research pertaining to cancers arising from the gastrointestinal tract.The journal is dedicated to the most rapid publication possible.The journal publishes papers in all relevant fields, emphasizing those studies that are helpful in understanding and treating cancers affecting the esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder and biliary tree, pancreas, small bowel, large bowel, rectum, and anus. In addition, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer publishes basic and translational scientific information from studies providing insight into the etiology and progression of cancers affecting these organs. New insights are provided from diverse areas of research such as studies exploring pre-neoplastic states, risk factors, epidemiology, genetics, preclinical therapeutics, surgery, radiation therapy, novel medical therapeutics, clinical trials, and outcome studies.·       In addition to reports of original clinical and experimental studies, the journal also publishes: case reports, state-of-the-art reviews on topics of immediate interest or importance: invited articles analyzing particular areas of pancreatic research and knowledge: perspectives in which critical evaluation and conflicting opinions about current topics may be expressed: meeting highlights that summarize important points presented at recent meetings: abstracts of symposia and conferences: book reviews: hypotheses: Letters to the Editors: and other items of special interest, including:Complex Cases in GI Oncology:  This is a new initiative to provide a forum to review and discuss the history and management of complex and involved gastrointestinal oncology cases.  The format will be similar to a teaching case conference where a case vignette is presented and is followed by a series of questions and discussion points.  A brief reference list supporting the points made in, discussion would be expected.

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Journal of General Internal Medicine

ISSN: 0884-8734eISSN: 1525-1497

The Journal of General Internal Medicine is the official journal of the Society of General Internal Medicine. It promotes improved patient care, research, and education in primary care, general internal medicine, and hospital medicine. Its articles focus on topics such as clinical medicine, epidemiology, prevention, health care delivery, curriculum development, and numerous other non-traditional themes, in addition to classic clinical research on problems in internal medicine.

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Journal of General Plant Pathology

ISSN: 1345-2630eISSN: 1610-739X

The Journal of General Plant Pathology presents papers dealing with plant diseases or their control, including pathogen characterization, identification of pathogens, disease physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology, morphology and ultrastructure, genetics, disease transmission, ecology and epidemiology, chemical and biological control, disease assessment, and other topics relevant to plant pathological disorders. This is the journal of the Phytopathological Society of Japan.

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Journal of Geodesy

ISSN: 0949-7714eISSN: 1432-1394

The Journal of Geodesy is an international journal concerned with the study of scientific problems of geodesy and related interdisciplinary sciences. It presents peer-reviewed papers on theoretical or modeling studies, and on results of experiments and interpretations. In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes commissioned review papers on topical subjects and special issues arising from chosen scientific symposia or workshops. The journal covers the whole range of geodetic science and reports on theoretical and applied studies in research areas such as positioning; reference frame; geodetic networks; modeling and quality control; space geodesy; remote sensing; gravity fields, and geodynamics.

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