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IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

ISSN: 1948-8300eISSN: 1948-8319

IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, an official journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, publishes original high-quality papers on healthcare related topics of interest to researchers who want to remain current with cutting edge approaches to healthcare problems. The refereed journal aims to foster the healthcare systems community by publishing papers that have a strong methodological focus and direct applicability to healthcare systems. Published quarterly, the journal is composed of six departments: Healthcare Operations Management, Medical Decision Making, Socio-Technical Systems Analysis, Quality Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, and Healthcare Policy.    

IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering encourages research motivated by the challenging problems related to healthcare systems. The journal publishes papers that document the development and use of industrial and systems engineering tools and techniques including operations research, statistics, information systems, work measurement, and human factors/ergonomics applied to healthcare systems. The integration of these tools and techniques with those from other engineering and medical disciplines are also featured. Review papers and articles covering new methodologies, state-of-the-art surveys, technical notes, and book reviews are also included within the scope of the journal.  

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. 
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 
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IISE Transactions

ISSN: 2472-5854eISSN: 2472-5862
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IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

ISSN: 2472-5579eISSN: 2472-5587
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IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors

ISSN: 2472-5838eISSN: 2472-5846
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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

ISSN: 0971-5010eISSN: 2164-3040
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Ichnos: an International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces

ISSN: 1042-0940eISSN: 1563-5236

The foremost aim of Ichnos is to promote excellence in ichnologic research. Primary emphases center upon the ethologic and ecologic significance of tracemaking organisms; organism-substrate interrelationships; and the role of biogenic processes in environmental reconstruction, sediment dynamics, sequence or event stratigraphy, biogeochemistry, and sedimentary diagenesis. Each contribution rests upon a firm taxonomic foundation, although papers dealing solely with systematics and nomenclature may have less priority than those dealing with conceptual and interpretive aspects of ichnology. Contributions from biologists and geologists are equally welcome.The format for Ichnos is designed to accommodate several types of manuscripts, including Research Articles (comprehensive articles dealing with original, fundamental research in ichnology), and Short Communications (short, succinct papers treating certain aspects of the history of ichnology, book reviews, news and notes, or invited comments dealing with current or contentious issues). The large page size and two-column format lend flexibility to the design of tables and illustrations. Thorough but timely reviews and rapid publication of manuscripts are integral parts of the process.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Immunological Investigations

ISSN: 0882-0139eISSN: 1532-4311

Disseminating immunological developments on a worldwide basis, Immunological Investigations encompasses all facets of fundamental and applied immunology, including immunohematology and the study of allergies. This journal provides information presented in the form of original research articles and book reviews, giving a truly in-depth examination of the latest advances in molecular and cellular immunology.

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Immunological Medicine

eISSN: 2578-5826
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Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology

ISSN: 0892-3973eISSN: 1532-2513

he journal Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology is devoted to preclinical and clinical studies about the regulatory effects of various agents on immunocompetent cells as well as the immunotoxicity exerted by xenobiotics and drugs. On these bases, the journal encompasses a broad range of pathologies (e.g., acute and chronic infections, allergy, autoimmunity, cancer, degenerative disorders, inflammation and primary and secondary immunodeficiencies).In this framework, the journal will cover new emerging areas of science of broad interest, such as agricultural biotechnology; atherosclerosis; cytokine and growth factor regulation; dendritic cell therapy; food immunology and safety; forensic immunopathology; innate immunity regulation; microbial immunomodulators; mucosal immunity; drug development; psychoneuroimmunology; stem cell therapy; veterinary immunopathology; and vaccines. While articles related to purified extracts may be considered, research on crude botanical extracts are discouraged.Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology will accept original manuscripts, brief communications, invited reviews, and clinical cases, on the condition that the results reported are based on original, clinical, or basic research that has not been published elsewhere in any journal in any language (except in abstract form relating to paper communicated to scientific meetings and symposiums).Read More:

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ISSN: 1750-743XeISSN: 1750-7448

Immunotherapy offers the scientific community an interdisciplinary forum, providing them with the most recent advances of various aspects of immunotherapeutics to aid navigation of this complex field. Immunotherapy delivers essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for this vitally important area of research

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ISSN: 2058-802XeISSN: 2058-8038
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Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal

ISSN: 1461-5517eISSN: 1471-5465
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Indian Chemical Engineer

ISSN: 0019-4506eISSN: 0975-007X

Indian Chemical Engineer (ICE) is published in two Sections A and B. Section A is an international forum for the presentation of original research, interpretative reviews and discussion on new developments in all areas of chemical engineering and allied fields. It contains papers describing novel theory and practical applications as well as reports of experimental work 8211; carefully executed and soundly interpreted. Section B contains impartial, generic papers or an overview of a technology 8211; intended to provide guidance to practicing chemical engineers. It showcases papers focusing on general chemical engineering problem(s)/situation(s) and generic methods of solving such problem(s)/situation(s). Some of the appropriate subjects for papers are: design of equipment options; troubleshooting a process unit; assessing likely impact of emerging technology; reviewing key trends and challenges in engineering research and development; and continuing education. ICE will be very useful to professionals, academics, researchers and students in the domain of Chemical Engineering and allied areas as well as industries, research centres and educational institutes in chemical engineering and related fields.

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Infection Ecology and Epidemiology

eISSN: 2000-8686
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Infectious Diseases

ISSN: 2374-4235eISSN: 2374-4243
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Informatics for Health and Social Care

ISSN: 1753-8157eISSN: 1753-8165

Informatics for Health & Social Care promotes evidence-based informatics as applied to the domain of health and social care. It showcases informatics research and practice within the many and diverse contexts of care; it takes personal information, both its direct and indirect use, as its central focus.The scope of the Journal is broad, encompassing both the properties of care information and the life-cycle of associated information systems.Consideration of the properties of care information will necessarily include the data itself, its representation, structure, and associated processes, as well as the context of its use, highlighting the related communication, computational, cognitive, social and ethical aspects.Consideration of the life-cycle of care information systems includes full range from requirements, specifications, theoretical models and conceptual design through to sustainable implementations, and the valuation of impacts. Empirical evidence experiences related to implementation are particularly welcome.Informatics in Health & Social Care seeks to consolidate and add to the core knowledge within the disciplines of Health and Social Care Informatics. The Journal therefore welcomes scientific papers, case studies and literature reviews. Examples of novel approaches are particularly welcome. Articles might, for example, show how care data is collected and transformed into useful and usable information, how informatics research is translated into practice, how specific results can be generalised, or perhaps provide case studies that facilitate learning from experience.The overriding goal of the Journal is to show how informatics contributes to the better delivery of care through the presentation of high-quality material, irrespective of whether it is oriented towards research or practice.

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Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective

ISSN: 1939-3555eISSN: 1939-3547

Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective is a highly influential insider's review dealing with the ever-changing security environment and its inherent challenges. It provides essential information for managing the evolving enterprise, with detailed articles on emerging technologies, current trends and innovative solutions. The Journal's audience is comprised of dedicated professionals charged with implementing security programs, as well as those who create and enforce policies and procedures. It is also made up of authors who are experts in their respective areas, submitting timely and visionary perspectives for the education of all.The journal covers: Access Control Analysis and Monitoring Application Security Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Certification and Accreditation Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Cryptography Enterprise Security Management Practices Enterprise-wide System Development Security Information Security and Risk Management Laws, Investigations, Forensics and Ethics Malicious Code Operations Security Physical (Environmental) Security Regulations and Compliance Risk, Response and Recovery Security Standards, Guidelines, Criteria Security Architecture and Design Security Operations and Administration Systems Security Engineering Telecommunications and Network Security.

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Information Systems Management

ISSN: 1058-0530eISSN: 1934-8703

Information Systems Management (ISM) is the on-going exchange of academic research, best practices, and insights based on managerial experience. The journal's goal is to advance the practice of information systems management through this exchange. To meet this goal, each issue of the journal features themed papers examining a particular topic. In addition to themed papers, the journal regularly publishes on the following topics in IS management: * Achieving Strategic IT Alignment and Capabilities * IT Governance * CIO and IT Leadership Roles * IT Sourcing * Planning and Managing an Enterprise Infrastructure * IT Security * Selecting and Delivering Application Solutions * Portfolio Management * Managing Complex IT Projects * E-Business Technologies * Supporting Knowledge Work.

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Information Systems and Operational Research

ISSN: 0315-5986eISSN: 1916-0615

INFOR is published and sponsored by the Canadian Operational Research Society. It provides its readers with papers on a powerful combination of subjects: Information Systems and Operational Research. The importance of combining IS and OR in one journal is that both aim to expand quantitative scientific approaches to management. With this integration, the theory, methodology, and practice of OR and IS are thoroughly examined.

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Inhalation Toxicology

ISSN: 0895-8378eISSN: 1091-7691
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