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ISSN: 0016-6731eISSN: 1943-2631

The journal GENETICS, published by The Genetics Society of America, publishes high-quality, original research presenting novel findings bearing on inheritance. The journal publishes empirical studies of organisms ranging from microbes to mouse to man, as well as theoretical work. The journal also publishes Review, Commentary (current issues of interest to geneticists), and Perspective (historical) articles, as well as articles focused on the teaching of genetics.GENETICS is a peer-reviewed, peer-edited journal. All editorial decisions are made by the authors' peers. Full documentation of the data presented, access to all raw data as well as compelling evidence for the conclusions drawn are requirements for consideration for publication.

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Genome Biology and Evolution

eISSN: 1759-6653

Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) publishes leading original research at the interface between evolutionary biology and genomics. Papers considered for publication report novel evolutionary findings that concern natural genome diversity, population genomics, the structure, function, organisation and expression of genomes, comparative genomics, proteomics, and environmental genomic interactions. Major evolutionary insights from the fields of computational biology, structural biology, developmental biology, and cell biology are also considered, as are theoretical advances in the field of genome evolution. GBE’s scope embraces genome-wide evolutionary investigations at all taxonomic levels and for all forms of life — within populations or across domains. Its aims are to further the understanding of genomes in their evolutionary context and further the understanding of evolution from a genome-wide perspective.GBE is owned by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE). Motivated by the continued growth of the field, SMBE conducted a grass-roots survey in 2007 to investigate the needs of the field regarding new publication outlets. The survey elicited a resounding response from members of SMBE and other scientists in the fields of genomics and molecular evolution. The key findings from that survey were that the field wanted an on-line only journal that was devoted specifically to the areas of genome evolution and comparative genomics and that was published under an Open Access model. The response of SMBE was to launch GBE in order to serve those needs of the field. The SMBE meeting attracts about 800 participants each year. As a reflection of the rapid growth of genomic technologies, about half of the science presented at each SMBE meeting is about genomics. With the help of the evolutionary expertise that is gathered in SMBE, GBE is positioned and designed to set the highest standards for papers in the growing field of evolutionary genomics.

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Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics

ISSN: 1672-0229eISSN: 2210-3244

The goals of Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB) are to disseminate new frontiers of its focused research fields, to publish high-quality discoveries in a fast-pace, and to promote open access and prompt online publication for efficient publishing.GPB ' s publishes high-quality papers from the frontier research in the fields of genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. For manuscripts submitted to GPB, direct rejection, direct acceptance or further review will be decided within 48 hours (fast track). In addition, GPB offers Article-in-Press, by which all the accepted manuscripts can be available online ahead of its printed issue for fast dissemination.GPB ' s featured research areas include:• Genomics: large-scale data acquisition, integrated studies and technology developments, concerning genome structures, variations, repeat contents and evolution.• Other ' omics ' fields: epigenomics (DNA modifications, nucleosome positioning, histone modifications, chromosome conformation and 3-D structures, etc.), ribogenomics (transcriptomics, long-non-coding RNA, antisense transcriptomics, miRNAs, other small RNAs, etc.).• Proteomics: protein structures, proteomics technology developments, protein expression profiling, protein complexes in terms of structure, function, properties and interactions, metabolomics, homeostasis of macromolecules.• Bioinformatics: genome assembling, annotation, and integrated analysis; large dada curation and mining; sequence-based other matrix-based phylogeny, database construction, web-based platforms and tools, novel algorithms, tool boxes and software packages.GPB ' s publications:• Original research articles presenting novel data and ideas.• Papers describing innovative method, application note, database update as well as database review and resource providing primary scientific information to a broad readership.• Comprehensive reviews either as full articles, mini-reviews related to authors' own research and life time achievement reviews of authors’ own research.• Essays, commentaries, opinions, and perspectives about new discoveries, scientific policies, and research proposals.• Other article types including meeting report, editorial, editor’s choice, etcGBP has been abstracted/indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE, PubMed Central, BIOSIS Previews, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, Abstract Journal, EMBASE, Index Copernicus, WPRIM, CSCD, CAS-OAJ, etc.

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German History

ISSN: 0266-3554eISSN: 1477-089X

German History is renowned for its extensive range, covering all periods of German history and all German-speaking areas. Every issue contains refereed articles and book reviews on various aspects the history of the German-speaking world, as well as news items and conference reports. It is an essential journal for German historians and of major value for all non-specialists interested in the field.

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eISSN: 2047-217X

GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences.

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Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence

ISSN: 1535-9468

Global Studies Quarterly

eISSN: 2634-3797
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Global Summitry

ISSN: 2058-7430eISSN: 2058-7449
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ISSN: 0959-6658eISSN: 1460-2423

Established as the leading journal in the field, Glycobiology provides a unique forum dedicated to research into the biological functions of glycans, including glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans and free oligosaccharides, and on proteins that specifically interact with glycans (including lectins, glycosyltransferases, and glycosidases).Glycobiology is essential reading for researchers in biomedicine, basic science, and the biotechnology industries. By providing a single forum, the journal aims to improve communication between glycobiologists working in different disciplines and to increase the overall visibility of the field.

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Health & Social Work

ISSN: 0360-7283eISSN: 1545-6854

For 20 years, human services professionals have relied on Health & Social Work for the latest advances in areas such as aging, clinical work, long-term care, oncology, substance abuse, depression, and maternal health. Articles also cover research, policy, specialized services, quality assurance, in-service training, and other topics that affect the delivery of health care services.

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Health Education Research

ISSN: 0268-1153eISSN: 1465-3648

Publishing original, refereed papers, Health Education Research deals with all the vital issues involved in health education and promotion worldwide - providing a valuable link between the health education research and practice communities.Abstracting and Indexing Services Health Education Research is covered by the following major indexing services:Abstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts on Hygiene and Communicable DiseasesAddiction AbstractsApplied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)British Education IndexBritish Nursing IndexBritish Nursing IndexCAB AbstractsCINAHLContents Page in EducationCurrent Contents® /Social and Behavioral SciencesDairy Science AbstractsEducation Research AbstractsEducational Management AbstractsEducational Technology AbstractsEMBASEEnvironmental Science and Pollution ManagementE-psycheExcerpta Medica Abstract JournalsGlobal HealthHealth & Safety Science AbstractsHelminthology AbstractsIndex VeterinariusJournal Citation Reports /Social Sciences EditionLeisure, Recreation and Tourism AbstractsMulticultural Education AbstractsNutrition Abstracts and ReviewsPeriodicals Index Online (PIO)Physical Education IndexPROQUEST DATABASE : MEDLINE with Full TextPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000 InternationalPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest CentralPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health & Medical CompletePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health ManagementPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Medical LibraryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health SourcePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Pharma CollectionPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Psychology JournalsPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Wilson DatabasesPROQUEST DATABASE : PsycINFO Database with Full TextPubMedPsychlitResearch into Higher Education AbstractsReview of Medical and Veterinary MycologyRural Development AbstractsSocial Sciences Citation Index®Social Scisearch®Sociology of EducationSpecial Education Needs AbstractsStudies on Women and Gender Abstracts (SWA)The Standard Periodical DirectoryTropical Diseases BulletinVocational Education & Training AbstractsWilson OmniFile Full Text Mega EditionWorld Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts .

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Health Policy and Planning

eISSN: 1460-2237

Health Policy and Planning blends such individual specialities as epidemiology, health and development economics, management and social policy, planning and social anthropology into a lively academic mix that constantly stimulates and keeps readers abreast of global health, focusing on issues of particular relevance to low and middle income countries. Health Policy and Planning's aim is to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of health policies in low- and middle-income countries through providing a forum for publishing high quality research and original ideas, for an audience of policy and public health researchers and practitioners. HPP is published six times a year (bimonthly). As well as the high overall quality required for publication in an international journal, authors should address HPP's readership: national and international policy makers, practitioners, academics and general readers with a particular interest in health policy issues and debates. Manuscripts that fail to set out the international debates to which the paper contributes, and to draw out policy lessons and conclusions, are more likely to be rejected, returned to the authors for redrafting prior to being reviewed, or undergo a slower acceptance process. In addition, economists should note that papers accepted for publication in HPP will consider the broad policy implications of an economic analysis rather than focusing primarily on the methodological or theoretical aspects of the study. Public health specialists writing about a specific health problem or service should discuss the relevance of the analysis for the broader health system. Those submitting health policy analyses should draw on relevant bodies of theory in their analysis, or justify why they have not, rather than only presenting a narrative based on empirical data.

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Health Promotion International

ISSN: 0957-4824eISSN: 1460-2245

Health Promotion International responds to the move for a new public health throughout the world and supports the development of action outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. It is the official journal of the IUHPE, and is published in association with the WHO.Health Promotion International contains refereed original articles, reviews, and debate articles on major themes and innovations from various sectors including education, health services, employment, government, the media, industry, environmental agencies, and community networks. The journal provides a unique focal point for articles of high quality that describe not only theories and concepts, research projects and policy formulation, but also planned and spontaneous activities, organizational change, social and environmental development.The articles contained in this journal reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editor, Editorial Board, Oxford University Press or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Adaptation and use of the Health Promotion International logo for the cover design kindly granted by the World Health Organization.

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Health affairs scholar

ISSN: 2976-5390

Historical Research

ISSN: 0950-3471eISSN: 1468-2281

Since 1923, Historical Research has been a leading mainstream British historical journal. Its articles cover a wide geographical and temporal span: from Britain to the Far East; from the early middle ages to the twentieth century. It encourages the submission of articles from a broad variety of approaches, including social, political, urban, intellectual and cultural history.

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History Workshop Journal

ISSN: 1363-3554eISSN: 1477-4569

Since its launch in 1976, History Workshop Journal has become one of the world's leading historical journals. Its cutting-edge scholarship, accessible writing, and lively engagement with contemporary concerns continues to win it widespread acclaim from both academic and general audiences.

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Holocaust and Genocide Studies

ISSN: 8756-6583eISSN: 1476-7937

Holocaust and Genocide Studies is the premier forum for work on the extensive body of literature and documentation on the Holocaust and genocide. It features essays and reviews that cut across the disciplines of history, literature, economics, religious studies, anthropology, political science, sociology, and others. HGS is the only publication to address the related study of how insights into the Holocaust apply to other genocides. Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The articles and reviews in Holocaust and Genocide Studies reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum or of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Human Molecular Genetics

ISSN: 0964-6906eISSN: 1460-2083

Human Molecular Genetics concentrates on full-length research papers covering a wide range of topics in all aspects of human molecular genetics. These include: * the molecular basis of human genetic disease * developmental genetics * cancer genetics * neurogenetics * chromosome and genome structure and function * therapy of genetic disease * stem cells in human genetic disease and therapy, including the application of iPS cells * genome-wide association studies * mouse and other models of human diseases * functional genomics * computational genomics In addition, the journal also publishes research on other model systems for the analysis of genes, especially when there is an obvious relevance to human genetics.Key features of the journal include: * Articles - comprehensive reports and definitive research findings of interest to a broad audience of human molecular geneticists. We encourage inclusion of full experimental details, with as many display items (figures and tables) as required to tell the complete story. * Review Issues - Human Molecular Genetics publishes two special review issues each year, including a themed review issue in April.

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Human Reproduction

ISSN: 0268-1161eISSN: 1460-2350

Human Reproduction features full-length, peer-reviewed papers reporting original research, clinical case histories, as well as opinions and debates on topical issues. Papers published cover the scientific and medical aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology, endocrinology, andrology, gonad function, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo development, implantation, pregnancy, genetics, genetic diagnosis, oncology, infectious disease, surgery, contraception, infertility treatment, psychology, ethics and social issues. The highest scientific and editorial standard is maintained throughout the journal along with a rapid rate of publication.

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Human Reproduction Open

eISSN: 2399-3529
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