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Mediterranean geoscience reviews

ISSN: 2661-863XeISSN: 2661-8648
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Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin

ISSN: 2193-6218eISSN: 2193-6226

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin ist ein international angesehenes, interdisziplinäres Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich hauptsächlich an Ärzte auf Intensivstationen und in Notaufnahmen sowie an Internisten, Anästhesiologen, Chirurgen, Neurologen und Pädiater mit Interesse an intensivmedizinischen Fragestellungen.
Übersichtsarbeiten behandeln aktuelle Fragestellungen der Inneren Medizin mit intensiv- und notfallmedizinischem Schwerpunkt. Frei eingereichte Originalien präsentieren wichtige Studien des Fachgebietes und fördern den wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Kasuistiken zeigen interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe. In der Rubrik Journal Club kommentieren Experten herausragende Publikationen aus der internationalen Fachliteratur. Ein weiteres Anliegen ist die Fort- und Weiterbildung: Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar.
Alle Übersichtsarbeiten, Originalarbeiten und Kasuistiken durchlaufen einen Peer Review Prozess mit zwei externen Gutachtern gemäß der 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.Aims & Scope
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin is an internationally respected interdisciplinary journal. It is intended mainly for physicians active in intensive care and accident/emergency units, but also for internists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, neurologists, and pediatricians with special interest in intensive care medicine.
Comprehensive reviews describe the most recent advances in the field of internal medicine with special focus on intensive care problems. Freely submitted original articles present important studies in this discipline and promote scientific exchange, while case reports feature, interesting cases and aim at optimizing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In the rubric journal club well-respected experts comment on outstanding international publications. Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice.
Review. All reviews, original articles and case reports of Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin undergo a peer review process with two external reviewers following the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.

Declaration of Helsinki: All Manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on test subjects or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.

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ISSN: 0723-8886eISSN: 1433-8629

Als Bindeglied zwischen den Disziplinen Recht und Medizin thematisiert die Fachzeitschrift Medizinrecht für beide Fächer wichtige Fragestellungen. Medizinrecht ist sowohl für Juristen als auch für Mediziner verständlich verfasst. Im umfangreichen Aufsatzteil wird das gesamte Spektrum medizinrechtlicher Themen erörtert. Die juristischen Fragestellungen werden auch aus Sicht der betroffenen Ärzte diskutiert. Im Rechtsprechungsteil werden wichtige aktuelle Entscheidungen von Experten mit einer Problemstellung aufbereitet und mit Leitsätzen, Sachverhalt und Entscheidungsgründen abgedruckt. Interessante Buchbesprechungen und Mitteilungen runden den hohen Informationsgehalt der Zeitschrift MedR ab. , .

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Memetic Computing

ISSN: 1865-9284eISSN: 1865-9292

Memetic Computing features articles on high quality research in hybrid metaheuristics (including evolutionary hybrids) for optimization, control and design in continuous and discrete optimization domains. It goes beyond current search methodologies towards innovative research on the emergence of cultural artifacts such as game, trade and negotiation strategies and, more generally, rules of behavior as they apply to, for example, robotic, multi-agent and artificial life systems. Memetic Computing is an avenue for the latest results in natural computation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, operational research and natural sciences, which are combined in novel ways so as to transcend the intrinsic limitations of a single discipline. Potential authors are invited to submit original research articles for publication consideration at any time. Reviews and short research communications are also welcomed. Further information on submission, format, lengths and style files is available through the journal website. All manuscripts should be submitted electronically using the Online Submission system. We aim to achieve a typical turnaround time of not more than 3 months for the review process. Some (but not all) of the topics covered by Memetic Computing are: Algorithmic Intelligence in Optimisation, Control and Design Hybrid (Parallel) Metaheuristics such as Tabu Search, Path relinking, Scatter Search, GRASP methods, Iterated Local Search, Simulated annealing, Variable Neighborhood Search, Evolutionary Algorithms, Learning Classifier Systems, Memetic Algorithms, Cultural Algorithms, etc. Approximate and exact algorithms for Combinatorial and Continuous Optimisation Integer and Linear Programming Ant Colony Computing Self-organisation, Self-Assembly, Self-Generation, Self-Healing of artificial systems Swarm Intelligence<, /LI> Neural networks Evolutionary Dynamics Memetic Theory Artificial Cultures in multi-agent systems, webbots and robots. Landscape Analysis Methodological aspects of experimental computing. Search based Software Engineering Genetic Programming Constraint Optimisation Representation and encoding studies Real-world applications Machine learning and Data Mining Multiobjective optimisation Artificial immune systems

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Metabolic Brain Disease

ISSN: 0885-7490eISSN: 1573-7365

Metabolic Brain Disease serves as a forum for the publication of outstanding basic and clinical papers on all metabolic brain disease, including both human and animal studies. The journal publishes papers on the fundamental pathogenesis of these disorders and on related experimental and clinical techniques and methodologies. Metabolic Brain Disease is directed to neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists, pathologists, and others involved in the research and treatment of a broad range of metabolic brain disorders. Topics covered include stroke, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, myelin disorders, toxic encephalopathies, genetic diseases affecting the brain, alcohol and brain metabolism, neuroendocrinopathies, viral and nonviral encephalitides, nutritional disorders affecting the brain, diseases affecting neurotransmitters, Alzheimer's disease, and aging.Metabolic Brain Disease will consider Full Research Papers, Short Communications, Review Articles and Editorials. The journal is committed to high standards

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ISSN: 1573-3882eISSN: 1573-3890

Metabolomics publishes a substantial share of the most significant current research in the areas of various-technology platform development for metabolomics, metabolite target analysis, metabolic profiling and metabolic fingerprinting; progress in data preparation, storage, curation and analyses; comparative integrated studies with transcriptomics and proteomics including within a systems biology context; and the application of metabolomics as it relates to man, animals and plants.Metabolomics includes wide-ranging and rigorously peer-reviewed research papers and reviews ; a comment section for responses from readers on articles published; conference announcements and reports; funding initiatives and other metabolomics topics; occasional special issues focusing on subjects of particular interest.  Metabolomics publishes six issues a year.  Metabolomics is the official journal of the Metabolomics Society.

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Metacognition and Learning

ISSN: 1556-1623eISSN: 1556-1631

The journal 'Metacognition and Learning' addresses various components of metacognition, such as metacognitive awareness, experiences, knowledge, and executive skills. Moreover, both general metacognition as well as domain-specific metacognitions in various task domains (mathematics, physics, reading, writing etc.) are considered. Papers may address fundamental theoretical issues, measurement issues regarding both quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical studies about individual differences in metacognition, relations with other learner characteristics and learning strategies, developmental issues, the training of metacognition components in learning, and the teacher’s role in metacognition training. Submitted papers are judged on theoretical relevance, methodological thoroughness, and appeal to an international audience. The journal aims for a high academic standard with relevance to the field of educational practices. One restriction is that papers should pertain to the role of metacognition in learning situations. Self-regulation in clinical settings, such as coping with phobia or anxiety outside learning situations, is beyond the scope of the journal.

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Metal Science and Heat Treatment

ISSN: 0026-0673eISSN: 1573-8973

Metal Science and Heat Treatment discusses fundamental, practical issues of physical metallurgy, new achievements in heat treatment of alloys, surface engineering, and heat treatment equipment. Review papers are published as well as special issues on state-of the-art and future development of heat treatment, the history of physical metallurgy, and its outstanding researchers. Metal Science and Heat Treatment is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov.

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Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

ISSN: 2192-9262eISSN: 2192-9270

The journal Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles on engineered materials, which are defined as both processed and inorganic. The journal focuses on the art and science of preparing, interpreting, and analyzing microstructures for the purpose of understanding material behavior and performance, and serves as a forum for engineers and scientists to exchange the latest information regarding the evolution of microstructures in a variety of materials. 

Topics focus on the role of microstructure in engineering processes and materials properties. Specifically, the journal publishes contributions that discuss the ways in which microstructures can influence, or arise from:  

1) Mechanical and thermal processing of metals, alloys, and ceramics  2) Environmental degradation (such as oxidation and corrosion)3) Welding, casting, and solidification processes4) Additive or digital manufacturing techniques 5) Failure of engineering structures, and6) Electronic materials.

In addition to these general topics, the journal covers a wide range of more specialized materials science and metallurgy issues, such as the characterization of building materials, archaeometallurgy, high-strain-rate phenomena, tribological surfaces and interfaces, superplasticity, and radiation effects. Also of interest are new and alternative techniques for microstructural examination and analysis (including metallography, ceramography, and microscopy), computer-aided microstructural analysis, and techniques for physical and chemical analysis as they relate to microstructure.

Contributions that present a complete treatment of a microstructure, from its formation to preparation techniques to interpretation and analysis, are especially of interest to the journal.

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Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

ISSN: 1073-5615eISSN: 1543-1916

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, an archival peer-reviewed bi-monthly publication, is uniquely focused on process metallurgy and materials processing science. Coverage emphasizes the theoretical and engineering aspects of the processing of metals and other materials, including studies of electro- and physical chemistry, mass transport, modeling, and related computer applications. The journal is published with ASM International, The Materials Information Society, and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

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ISSN: 0026-0894eISSN: 1573-8892

Published since 1956, Metallurgist is the leading Russian journal in metallurgy. Coverage includes metallurgy of ferrous and nonferrous, rare and precious metals, equipment and automation, work and environmental safety, new inventions and patents, resources and energy savings, quality and certification, and more. Metallurgist is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Metallurg.

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Metals and Materials International

ISSN: 1598-9623eISSN: 2005-4149

Metals and Materials International publishes original papers and critical reviews on all aspects of research and technology in materials engineering: physical metallurgy, materials science, and processing of metals and other materials. Coverage emphasizes those aspects of the science of materials that are concerned with the relationships among the processing, structure and properties (mechanical, chemical, electrical, electrochemical, magnetic and optical) of materials. Aspects of processing include the melting, casting, and fabrication with the thermodynamics, kinetics and modeling.

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ISSN: 0815-0796eISSN: 1467-9981

Metascience is a review journal which publishes high quality, comprehensive reviews of books in the fields of history and philosophy of science and science and technology studies.Metascience specialises in innovative styles of reviewing, including book symposia, essay reviews, survey reviews and standard reviews. It is the aim of Metascience to have the widest possible coverage. Thus, books which are not reviewed are presented in short descriptive notices.Metascience is non-specialist in that reviews are accessible to a wide cross-section of the science studies community.

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Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

ISSN: 0177-7971eISSN: 1436-5065

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics publishes original research papers discussing physical and chemical processes in both clear and cloudy atmospheres. The following topic areas are particularly emphasized: atmospheric dynamics and general circulation; synoptic meteorology; weather systems in specific regions, such as the tropics, the polar caps and the oceans; atmospheric energetics; numerical modeling and forecasting; physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, including radiation, optical effects, electricity, and atmospheric turbulence and transport processes, and mathematical and statistical techniques applied to meteorological data sets. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics discusses physical and chemical processes - in both clear and cloudy atmospheres - including radiation, optical and electrical effects, precipitation and cloud microphysics.

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Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability

ISSN: 1387-5841eISSN: 1573-7713

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability publishes high quality research and review articles in areas of applied probability that emphasize methodology and computing. The journal focuses on articles that examine important applications and that include detailed case studies. With its policy of attracting papers representing a broad range of interests, the journal covers such topics as algorithms, approximations, combinatorial and geometric probability, communication networks, extreme value theory, finance, image analysis, inequalities, information theory, mathematical physics, molecular biology, Monte Carlo methods, order statistics, queuing theory, reliability theory, and stochastic processes.

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ISSN: 0026-1335eISSN: 1435-926X

Metrika is an international journal in the field of theoretical and applied statistics. The journal publishes original research papers that explore mathematical statistics and statistical methods. Papers emphasize new developments in theoretical statistics and the applicability of proposed statistical methods and results. Each issue of Metrika also contains a section of book reviews.Officially cited as: Metrika

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Microbial Ecology

ISSN: 0095-3628eISSN: 1432-184X

Microbial Ecology is a dedicated international forum for the presentation of high-quality scientific investigations of how microorganisms interact with their environment, with each other and with their hosts. It offers articles of original research in full paper and note formats, as well as brief reviews, commentaries and topical position papers. The journal was founded more than 50 years ago by Dr. Ralph Mitchell, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Biology at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. It has evolved to become a premier location for the presentation of manuscripts that represent advances in the field of microbial ecology.

Coverage includes the ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered environments; genomic, metagenomic and molecular advances in understanding of microbial interactions; microbial diversity and phylogeny; microbial drivers of biogeochemical processes; inter- and intraspecific microbial communication; ecological studies of human, animal, plant and insect microbiology and d

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Microchimica Acta

ISSN: 0026-3672eISSN: 1436-5073

Microchimica Acta (MCA) has established itself as a premier forum for research results in modern (bio)analytical sciences based on the use of micro/nano-structured materials. Coverage includes fundamental studies on, practical applications of, and new approaches towards micro-/nanomaterials such as micro- and nanoparticles, imprints, micro/nanodroplets, or micro/nanostructured devices for use in (bio)analytical applications including sensing and preconcentration. Invited reviews provide a critical assessment of research progress in these fields.

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Microfluidics and Nanofluidics

ISSN: 1613-4982eISSN: 1613-4990

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics is an international peer reviewed journal exploring all aspects of microfluidics, nanofluidics, and lab-on-a-chip science and technology. The journal seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of microfluidic and nanofluidic processes, examining the current state of research and development and the latest applications. This journal broadly interprets microfluidics and nanofluidics as the study of mass (including molecular and colloidal) and momentum transfer, heat transfer, and reactive processes, coupled with transport in microscale and nanoscale systems. Readers will find reports of original scientific research, techniques, and applications. In addition, the journal publishes brief communications presenting urgent announcements of significant advances or preliminary accounts of new work and topical reviews summarizing accepted practices and reporting progress in selected areas.

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Microgravity Science and Technology

ISSN: 0938-0108eISSN: 1875-0494

An International Journal for Microgravity and Space Exploration Related Research Platforms like drop towers, parabolic flights, sounding rockets, reentry capsules and orbiting platforms provide the unique environment of compensated gravity which can only be achieved on earth in very limited situations.The journal Microgravity - Science and Technology publishes papers describing the preparation, the performance and the evaluation as well as preliminary results of experiments on the above mentioned platforms. As such the journal will provide a useful source for practical references to how the final results have been achieved.Papers published in Microgravity - Science and Technology are particularly useful as reference material for results in: - materials science- fluid mechanics- process engineering- physics- chemistry- heat and mass transfer- biology- human physiology In addition papers regarding the development of experimental techniques and instrumentation for research under microgravity conditions are welcome. Microgravity - Science and Technology contains original scientific articles and notes as well as extended review papers on selected topics from the fields defined above. Contributions from fundamental and application oriented research are invited as well.

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