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DNA Repair

ISSN: 1568-7864

DNA Repair provides a forum for the comprehensive coverage of DNA repair and cellular responses to DNA damage. The journal publishes original observations on genetic, cellular, biochemical, structural and molecular aspects of DNA repair, mutagenesis, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and other biological responses in cells exposed to genomic insult, as well as their relationship to human disease.DNA Repair publishes full-length research articles, brief reports on research, and reviews. The journal welcomes articles describing databases, methods and new technologies supporting research on DNA repair and responses to DNA damage. Letters to the Editor, hot topics and classics in DNA repair, historical reflections, book reviews and meeting reports also will be considered for publication.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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DNA repair

ISSN: 1568-7856

Das Neurophysiologie-Labor

ISSN: 1439-4847

Das Neurophysiologie-Labor richtet sich vor allem an Elektrophysiologisch-Technische Assistenten in Laboratorien und Kliniken, ist aber auch fuer den Neurologen von Interesse. Zentrales Anliegen sind die Anleitung und Weiterbildung im Zusammenhang mit allen Gebieten, die fuer die taegliche Arbeit von Elektrophysiologisch-Technischen Assistenten notwendig sind. So schliesst Das Neurophysiologie-Labor die Luecke, die trotz exzellenter Kurse und Seminare, die vom Fachverband Neurophysiologisch-Technischer Assistenten e.V. geleitet werden, verbleibt.

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Data & Knowledge Engineering

ISSN: 0169-023XeISSN: 1872-6933

Database Systems and Knowledgebase Systems share many common principles. Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) stimulates the exchange of ideas and interaction between these two related fields of interest. DKE reaches a world-wide audience of researchers, designers, managers and users. The major aim of the journal is to identify, investigate and analyze the underlying principles in the design and effective use of these systems. DKE achieves this aim by publishing original research results, technical advances and news items concerning data engineering, knowledge engineering, and the interface of these two fields.DKE covers the following topics:1. Representation and Manipulation of Data & Knowledge: Conceptual data models. Knowledge representation techniques. Data/knowledge manipulation languages and techniques.2. Architectures of database, expert, or knowledge-based systems: New architectures for database / knowledge base / expert systems, design and implementation techniques, languages and user interfaces, distributed architectures.3. Construction of data/knowledge bases: Data / knowledge base design methodologies and tools, data/knowledge acquisition methods, integrity/security/maintenance issues.4. Applications, case studies, and management issues: Data administration issues, knowledge engineering practice, office and engineering applications.5. Tools for specifying and developing Data and Knowledge Bases using tools based on Linguistics or Human Machine Interface principles.6. Communication aspects involved in implementing, designing and using KBSs in Cyberspace.Plus... conference reports, calendar of events, book reviews etc.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Data Science and Management

ISSN: 2666-7649eISSN: 2666-7649

Data in Brief

eISSN: 2352-3409
Data in Brief provides a way for researchers to easily share and reuse each other's datasets by publishing data articles that:

  • Thoroughly describe your data, facilitating reproducibility.
  • Make your data, which is often buried in supplementary material, easier to find.
  • Increase traffic towards associated research articles and data, leading to more citations.
  • Open up doors for new collaborations.

Because you never know what data will be useful to someone else, Data in Brief welcomes submissions that describe data from all research areas.

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ISSN: 2949-8813

Decision Analytics Journal

eISSN: 2772-6622

Decision Support Systems

ISSN: 0167-9236

Decision Support Systems welcomes contributions on the concepts and operational basis for DSSs, techniques for implementing and evaluating DSSs, DSS experiences, and related studies. In treating DSS topics, manuscripts may delve into, draw-on, or expand such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer supported cooperative work, data base management, decision theory, economics, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling, operations management psychology, user interface management systems, and others. The common thread of articles published in the journal will be their relevance to theoretical, technical DSS issues.Authors planning to submit papers to the journal should ensure that their work is relevant to the topics normally considered to be part of the field of decision support systems.The Journal's research papers tend to fall into the following six topic departments:1. DSS Foundations e.g. DSS principles, concepts, and theories; frameworks, formal languages, and methods for DSS research; tutorials about the nature of DSS; assessments of the DSS field.2. DSS Development-Functionality e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing the underlying functional aspects of a DSS; solver/model management; data management in DSSs; rule management and AI in DSSs; coordinating a DSS's functionality within its user interface.3. DSS Development-Interfaces e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing the overt user interface of a DSS; managing linguistic, presentation, and user knowledge in a DSS; DSS help facilities; coordinating a DSS's interface events with its functionality events.4. DSS Impacts and Evaluation e.g. DSS economics; DSS measurement; DSS impacts on individual users, multiparticipant users, organizations, and societies; evaluating/justifying DSSs.5. DSS Reference Studies e.g. reference discipline tutorials for DSS researchers; emerging technologies relevant to DSS characteristics or DSS development; related studies on such topics as communication support systems, computer supported cooperative work, negotiation support systems, research support systems, task support systems.6. DSS Experiences, Management, and Education e.g. experiences in developing or operating DSSs; systems solutions to specific decision support needs; approaches to managing DSSs; DSS instruction/training approaches.

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Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

ISSN: 0967-0637eISSN: 1879-0119
Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers is devoted to the publication of the results of original scientific research, including theoretical work of evident oceanographic applicability; and the solution of instrumental or methodological problems with evidence of successful use. The journal is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature and its breadth, covering the geological, physical, chemical and biological aspects of the ocean and its boundaries with the sea floor and the atmosphere. In addition to regular "Research Papers" and "Instruments and Methods" papers, briefer communications may be published as "Notes". Supplemental matter, such as extensive data tables or graphs and multimedia content, may be published as electronic appendices.

The deep sea is interpreted to be the ocean beyond the continental shelf. Papers dealing exclusively with areas inshore of the shelf break are in general more appropriate to our companion journal Shelf Research. Review papers and long contributions are best directed to in Oceanography. Inquiries regarding special topic issues should be directed to the Editor of Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

ISSN: 0967-0645eISSN: 1879-0100
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography publishes topical issues from the many international and interdisciplinary projects which are undertaken in oceanography. Besides these special issues from projects, the journal publishes collections of papers presented at conferences. The special issues regularly have electronic annexes of non-text material (numerical data, images, images, video, etc.) which are published with the special issues in ScienceDirect. Deep-Sea Research Part II was split off as a separate journal devoted to topical issues in 1993. Its companion journal Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, publishes the regular research papers in this area.

AUTHORS PLEASE NOTE: the Editors cannot accept submissions that are not linked to a thematic issue. Please do not submit unsolicited papers. For information on how to submit a publication proposal for a special/thematic issue, you are cordially invited to contact Luaine Bandounas, Publishing editor Oceanography, e-mail: Please do not contact her for information on how to submit individual papers, as indicated above, this is not possible.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Deep brain stimulation

ISSN: 2949-6691

Dendrochronologia: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Tree-Ring Science

ISSN: 1125-7865eISSN: 1612-0051

Dendrochronologia is an international scholarly journal in tree-ring research. It publishes high-quality original research dealing with growth rings of woody plants and the application of tree-ring studies to problems in a wide variety of fields including, but not limited to, archaeology, botany, climatology, ecology, forestry, geology and hydrology. Original research articles, reviews, communications, technical notes and personal notes are considered for publication.

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Dental Abstracts

ISSN: 0011-8486

Information from around the globe is presented in this bimonthly publication featuring approximately 50 abstracts from key articles in dentistry. Dental Abstracts keeps dentists informed of developments and advances in general dentistry and its specialties in an easy-to-read, abstract format. Graphs, tables, and figures that have appeared in original articles are also included. This time-saving publication covers topics such as guided tissue regeneration, treatments for anterior single tooth implants, clinical evaluation of dentin bonding agents, and more.

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Dental Cadmos

ISSN: 0011-8524

Fondato nel 1933, Dental Cadmos è un mensile di aggiornamento professionale e formazione continua per l'odontoiatra.La rivista, rinnovata nella veste grafica, mantiene una linea editoriale sempre coerente alla sua tradizione che segue costantemente l'evoluzione della clinica e della ricerca e le conferisce una posizione di leadership nel panorama culturale odontoiatrico italiano.Il nucleo di aggiornamento è costituito dal Dossier, lavoro di approfondimento che in ogni numero affronta in modo esaustivo e con un approccio didattico lo stato dell'arte di una delle varie specialità odontoiatriche. Il Dossier è ora abbinato al progetto di formazione a distanza (FAD), con relativo accreditamento ECM FAD presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua e l'erogazione di crediti formativi.La struttura editoriale si avvale di contenuti provenienti da un cospicuo bacino di autori e si articola nella pubblicazione di articoli originali, casi clinici, rubriche cliniche e di attualità.Dental Cadmos è indicizzata in Scopus e Embase e dal 2011 è online sulla piattaforma ScienceDirect.Società Scientifica affiliata: Italian District (10), International College of Dentists (ICD), European Section.Historical Background: Dental Cadmos (formerly Kadmos) was founded in 1933 by Commander Giacomo Jacomucci, (1895-1962), who directed the journal for about 30 years, as the first Italian dentistry journal addressed to clinicians and dental technicians with an initial print run of 7000 copies. In June 1941, during the Second World War, the journal had to change its title to Cadmos, due to the restrictions of the fascist regime which banned any foreign reference and terminology from Italian language. As a consequence of the War the print run decreased to 6500 copies. Although efforts were made to continue publication of the journal, by the end of the year the editorial office had to move to the neutral Republic of San Marino and the journal's title changed to Dental Cosmos, picking up the name of an historical American dentistry journal. In 1945 the journal's publication returned to Italy and its title was finally changed to Dental Cadmos (as a combination of Kadmos and Dental Cosmos). Dental Cadmos has always focused on professional development and continuing education, providing highlights in clinical practice, research and developments in the field of dental science. Throughout the years the journal became a main point of reference in dentistry. In the early 80s Dental Cadmos was the first dentistry journal to provide programs on continuing medical education by introducing a complete and didactic-type review article (Dossier) analyzing in details the state of the art of a particular topic in dentistry and involving the readers with specific questionnaires to test their comprehension and knowledge of the presented topic. With 15000 certified copies per issue it is probably the best known and appreciated Italian journal in its category. Dental Cadmos used to be indexed in MEDLINE until the early 90s and is currently indexed in Scopus and Embase. Dental Cadmos is a publication addressed to clinicians, scientists and students of dentistry and is mainly distributed in Italy.Aims and Scope: Dental Cadmos currently acknowledges the contribution of the most important authors and researchers in the country and can proudly ensure the coverage of all diverse topics in dentistry by dedicating particular attention to high standards studies.The editorial structure of the journal allows readers to find complete and diverse coverage of topics in dentistry including: management of dental disease, long-term clinical trials, evaluation of dental equipment, new experimental techniques, epidemiology and oral health, dental biomaterials science, restorative dentistry, periodontology, endodontology, operative dentistry, prosthodontics, paediatric dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics, dental education and forensic dentistry. Dental Cadmos contributes to the professional update of its readers by offering 2 different CME courses per year structured in accordance to the Italian Ministry of Health's educational requirements.Aegis: In 2010 the Journal received the aegis of the International College of Dentists (European Section, District 10).

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Dental Clinics of North America

ISSN: 0011-8532eISSN: 1558-0512

Dental Clinics of North America updates you on the latest trends in patient management and the newest advances, as well as provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published four times a year—January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on a single topic in dentistry and is presented under the direction of an experienced guest editor. Topics include endodontics, prosthodontics, imaging, cosmetic dentistry, and implants.

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Dental Materials

ISSN: 0109-5641

Online submission and editorial system now available at and Scope:Dental Materials publishes original research, review articles, and short communications.Academy of Dental Materials members click here to register for free access to Dental Materials online.The principal aim of Dental Materials is to promote rapid communication of scientific information between academia, industry, and the dental practitioner. Original Manuscripts on clinical and laboratory research of basic and applied character which focus on the properties or performance of dental materials or the reaction of host tissues to materials are given priority publication. Other acceptable topics include application technology in clinical dentistry and dental laboratory technology.Comprehensive reviews and editorial commentaries on pertinent subjects will be considered. Only manuscripts...

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Dentistry review

ISSN: 2772-5596

Der Zoologische Garten

ISSN: 0044-5169

Aims and Scope

The journal is an international scientific periodical covering all aspects of zoological gardens, as for example:

• experiences in breeding and keeping zoo animals
• management of zoological gardens
• behavioural science
• studies of free-living animals
• conservation of rare and threatened species
• reintroduction projects
• planning, building, and designing at zoological gardens including horticulture
• veterinary medicine
• zoological pedagogic
• history of zoological gardens
• news from zoological gardens
• book reviews.

The journal Der Zoologische Garten has been founded in 1859 (since 1929 published as as "new series").

Der Zoologische Garten ist eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die allen die Tiergärtnerei (im weitesten Sinne) betreffenden Originalarbeiten offensteht. Neben größeren Abhandlungen werden "Kleinere Mitteilungen", "Nachrichten aus Zoologischen Gärten" u. dgl. aufgenommen.

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Dermatologic Clinics

ISSN: 0733-8635eISSN: 1558-0520

Dermatologic Clinics brings you the most practical and comprehensive information on the treatment and care of skin disorders, complete with photos, drawings, and diagrams to illustrate points and demonstrate techniques. Published quarterly—in January, April, July, and October—each issue is devoted to a single timely topic related to clinical dermatology, including hair disorders, pediatric dermatology, autoinflammatory disorders, contact dermatitis, and more. From evaluation to treatment, Dermatologic Clinics covers what is most relevant to you in your practice.

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