Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (formerly Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique: title change in january 2011) publishes high quality papers in the field of hepatology and gastroenterology in English language. The editors put the accent on rapid communication of new research and clinical developments and so called "hot topic" issues. Following a clear Editorial line, besides original articles and case reports, each issue features editorials, commentaries, a seminar, mini-reviews, pictorial reviews and several keynotes. The journal encourages research and discussion between all those involved in the specialty on an international level. Articles in press are online and indexed in the international databases (Current Contents, Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct).
Clinics in Chest Medicine updates those in the fields of anesthesia, critical care, and respiratory medicine on the latest trends in patient management, providing a sound basis for choosing the best treatment options. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue offers state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic, including diseases of air movement and airways, infectious lung disease, pulmonary vascular disease, sleep-related disorders, respiratory failure, and systemic disease.
Clinics in Dermatology brings you the most practical and comprehensive information on the treatment and care of skin disorders. Each issue features a Guest Editor and is devoted to a single timely topic relating to clinical dermatology.Clinics in Dermatology provides information that is...• Clinically oriented -- from evaluation to treatment, Clinics in Dermatology covers what is most relevant to you in your practice.• Authoritative -- world-renowned experts in the field assure the high-quality and currency of each issue by reporting on their areas of expertise.• Well-illustrated -- each issue is complete with photos, drawings and diagrams to illustrate points and demonstrate techniques.Now affiliated with the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (IACD). Visit the IACD web site for more information.
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. Published four times a year—in February, May, August, and November—each issue covers a single topic in geriatrics, including cardiovascular disease, common geriatric disorders (such as sarcopenia and frailty), dermatology, emergency care, oncology, patient care, psychiatry, and much more.
Clinics in Laboratory Medicine updates those practicing in the field of clinical pathology on the latest trends in clinical laboratory management, providing a sound basis for creating and working in a highly effective clinical laboratory. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue offers state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic in pathology, including quality control in lab testing, coagulation, clinical microbiology, toxicology testing, clinical cytogenetics, mass spectrometry, blood transfusion, and much more.
A perfect source to consult for those in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, Clinics in Liver Disease provides answers to clinical questions, information on the latest diagnostic methods and treatments, and numerous clinical images. Published quarterly—in February, May, August, and November—each issue offers in-depth reviews that focus on the liver and biliary system.
Clinics in Perinatology updates neonatologists and maternal-fetal medicine physicians, as well as those in the fields of internal medicine and pediatrics, on the latest trends in patient management, providing a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue focuses on a single topic in perinatology, including the neonate and the sick newborn. In addition, you can also purchase a CME subscription that offers up to 60 AMA Category 1 credits per year.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery updates surgeons on the latest trends in patient management, providing a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published four times a year—in January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on a single topic in either cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, from liposuction, body contouring, and breast enhancement, to hand trauma, cleft lip, and flaps and grafts.
Each issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue focuses on a single topic in podiatry and is presented under the direction of an experienced editor. Topics include charcot foot, the diabetic foot, imaging, pain management, ankle arthritis, foot and ankle arthroscopy, bunions, athletic injuries, wound and bone healing, fractures, dislocations, sprains, torn ligaments, amputations, infections, tumors, congenital deformities, and joint destruction.Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery publishes in January, April, July, and October.
Ideal for orthopedists and those in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Clinics in Sports Medicine offers the latest in patient management trends and updates on the newest advances in the field. Published four times a year—in January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on a single topic in sports medicine, from spine, knee, head, and neck injuries, to trauma, imaging, and rehabilitation. Clinics in Sports Medicine has been edited by respected orthopedic surgeon Mark D. Miller since 1999.
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Clínica y Salud publicará principalmente investigaciones empíricas originales de interés para los psicólogos, que sean una contribución al conocimiento correspondiente al ámbito de la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, incluyendo los siguientes aspectos de interés: desarrollo, validación y aplicación de instrumentos de evaluación psicológica orientados al ámbito de la psicología clínica y de la salud; desarrollo, validación y aplicación de técnicas y estrategias de tratamiento psicológico en trastornos de inicio en la infancia, la niñez o la adolescencia, trastornos amnésicos y cognoscitivos, trastornos mentales debido a enfermedad médica, trastornos relacionados con sustancias, trastornos psicóticos, trastornos del estado de ánimo, trastornos de ansiedad, trastornos somatomorfos, trastornos facticios y simulación, trastornos disociativos, trastornos sexuales, trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, trastornos del sueño, trastornos de control de impulsos, trastornos adaptativos y trastornos de personalidad; factores ambientales y psicosociales vinculados a la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento o rehabilitación de enfermedades médicas, incluyendo el dolor, los trastornos cardiovasculares, respiratorios, gastrointestinales, dermatológicos, endocrinos, la enfermedad crónica, etc.; estudios sobre promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad; estudios sobre personalidad y su evaluación que afecten a ámbito clínico y de la salud; estudios de revisión crítica y de meta-análisis sobre eficacia terapéutica; estudios metodológicos sobre aspectos relacionados con la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Clínica y Salud publica principalmente en castellano, pero admite igualmente contribuciones originales en inglés. La revista admite originales libres y también puede solicitar trabajos específicos a autores relevantes que se publicarán en los números libres o en números dedicados a un tema monográfico. Los manuscritos originales recibidos en castellano o inglés serán sometidos al proceso de revisión anónima por pares.