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Ocean Dynamics

ISSN: 1616-7341eISSN: 1616-7228

Ocean Dynamics is an international journal that aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed articles in the following areas of research

Theoretical oceanography (new theoretical concepts that further system understanding with a strong view to applicability for operational or monitoring purposes)Computational oceanography (all aspects of ocean modelling and data analysis)Observational oceanography (new techniques or systematic approaches in measuring oceanic variables, including all aspects of monitoring the state of the ocean)Articles with an interdisciplinary character that encompass research in the fields of biological, chemical and physical oceanography are especially encouraged.

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Ocean Science Journal

ISSN: 1738-5261eISSN: 2005-7172

Ocean Science Journal is a scientific journal published quarterly(March, June, September, December) by the Korean Society of Oceanography(KSO) and Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute(KORDI). OSJ is international and interdisciplinary. Research articles, reviews and notes dealing with physical oceanography, biological oceanography/marine biology, chemical oceanography/marine chemistry, geological oceanography/marine geology, and marine pollution will be considered. OSJ aims to publish a very high quality scientific journal for researchers and other interested people throughout the world.

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ISSN: 0030-1574eISSN: 1531-8508
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ISSN: 1618-1247eISSN: 1618-1255

The Journal Odontology covers all disciplines involved in the fields of dentistry and craniofacial research, including molecular studies related to oral health and disease. Peer-reviewed articles cover topics ranging from research on human dental pulp, to comparisons of analgesics in surgery, to analysis of biofilm properties of dental plaque. Odontology is the official Journal of the Society of the Nippon Dental University.

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ISSN: 0029-8549eISSN: 1432-1939

Oecologia publishes innovative ecological research of general interest to a broad international audience. We publish several types of manuscripts in many areas of ecology:

Categories: Concepts, Reviews and SynthesesViews and CommentsSpecial TopicsMethodsPhysiological ecology - Original researchBehavioral ecology - Original researchPopulation ecology - Original researchPlant-microbe-animal interactions - Original researchCommunity ecology - Original researchEcosystem ecology - Original researchGlobal change ecology - Original researchConservation ecology - Original researchIn general, studies that are purely descriptive, mathematical, documentary, and/or natural history will not be considered.

In the Concepts, Reviews and Syntheses section, we seek papers on emerging issues in ecology, especially those that cross multiple boundaries in ecology, provide synthesis of important bodies of work or delve into new combinations of theory and observations with the potential to create new paradigms or challenge

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Oncology and Therapy

ISSN: 2366-1070eISSN: 2366-1089
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Open Economies Review

ISSN: 0923-7992eISSN: 1573-708X

Open Economies Review features theoretical and empirical studies examining international economic issues or national economic issues with transnational relevance. In addition, it explores specific events emanating from important branches of the literature.This journal provides a forum for all viewpoints and schools of thought, encouraging interdisciplinary communication and interaction among researchers in the field. Among the topics addressed in the journal are models and applications of trade flows, commercial policy, adjustment mechanisms to external imbalances, exchange rate movements, alternative monetary regimes, real and financial integration, monetary union, economic development, and external debt.Officially cited as: Open Econ Rev2012
Impact Factor: 0.404
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.537

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Operational Research - An International Journal

ISSN: 1109-2858eISSN: 1866-1505

Operational Research · An International Journal (ORIJ) publishes high quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the fields of operational research and management science (OR/MS). ORIJ covers all aspects of OR including optimization methods, decision theory, stochastic models, simulation, game theory, queueing systems, inventory and reliability, among others. ORIJ focuses on papers presenting new theoretical insights and developments as well as real-world case studies illustrating the implementation of OR approaches in practice. Papers exploring the interactions of OR/MS with other relevant disciplines such as information technology, computer science, artificial intelligence, soft computing and electronic services are of particular interest. This is a unique feature of ORIJ compared to other existing OR journals, providing the means to explore new directions in OR/MS research in a interdisciplinary context. Overview papers from eminent scientists in significant fields of OR/MS that review the state-of-the-art in these fields, are also welcome. Officially cited as: Oper Res Int J

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Operations Management Research

ISSN: 1936-9735eISSN: 1936-9743

Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory publishes short, focused research studies that advance the theory and practice of operations management. OMR is a rigorous, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is oriented toward fast reviews and publication of high-quality research that makes a clear contribution to the science and practice of operations management in today’s global institutions. Coverage includes all topics in operations management as well as research paradigms from mathematical modeling to ethnography.

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Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie

ISSN: 0934-6694eISSN: 1439-0981

Die Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie wendet sich an alle operativ tätigen Orthopäden, Unfallchirurgen und Ärzte anderer chirurgischer Fachrichtungen, die zur Patientenberatung und Operationsvorbereitung wie auch zur Nachsorge fundierte Informationen zu aktuellen Operationsmethoden benötigen.Die Zeitschrift stellt bewährte und neue Operationsverfahren in einheitlich strukturierten und aufwendig illustrierten Beiträgen dar. Von den Indikationen, Kontraindikationen, der Patientenaufklärung, Operationsvorbereitung und Operationsetappen bis hin zur Nachsorge werden alle Gesichtspunkte Schritt für Schritt vorgestellt. Auch auf Vor- und Nachteile, mögliche Komplikationen, Fehler und Gefahren der Methoden sowie aussagekräftige Ergebnisse mit ihren Bewertungskriterien wird eingegangen.Damit bietet die Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie allen operativ tätigen Orthopäden, Traumatologen und Allgemeinchirurgen, aber auch allen, deren Schwerpunkte auf spezialisierten oder konservativen Gebieten li

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Ophthalmology and Therapy

ISSN: 2193-8245eISSN: 2193-6528
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Optical Memory and Neural Networks

ISSN: 1060-992XeISSN: 1934-7898

The journal covers a wide range of issues in information optics such as optical memory, mechanisms for optical data recording and processing, photosensitive materials, optical, optoelectronic and holographic nanostructures, and many other related topics. Papers on memory systems using holographic and biological structures and concepts of brain operation are also included. The journal pays particular attention to research in the field of neural net systems that may lead to a new generation of computional technologies by endowing them with intelligence.

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Optical Review

ISSN: 1340-6000eISSN: 1349-9432

Optical Review is an international journal presenting top results in optical science and technology. The scope of the journal includes general and physical optics; quantum optics and spectroscopy; information optics; photonics and optoelectronics; lasers; nonlinear optics; optical systems and technologies; optical materials and manufacturing technologies; environmental, biological and space optics; vision; infrared and short wavelength optics; and other optical methods and applications The international advisory board includes renowned scientists from 22 countries. Optical Review is published in cooperation with the Optical Society of Japan

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Optical and Quantum Electronics

ISSN: 0306-8919eISSN: 1572-817X

Optical and Quantum Electronics provides an international forum for the publication of original research papers, tutorial reviews and letters in such fields as optical physics, optical engineering and optoelectronics. The journal publishes papers on the following topics: semiconductors, solid state and gas lasers, optical communication systems, fibres and planar waveguides, non-linear optics, optoelectronic devices, ultra-fast phenomena, optical storage, optical materials, photonic switching, optics in computers and coherent optics. Special issues are published on topics of current interest.

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Optics and Spectroscopy

ISSN: 0030-4034eISSN: 1562-6911
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Optimization Letters

ISSN: 1862-4472eISSN: 1862-4480

Optimization Letters covers all aspects of optimization, including theory, algorithms, computational studies, and applications. Optimization has been expanding in all directions at an astonishing rate during the last few decades, and this journal provides an outlet for the rapid publication of short communications in the field. Optimization Letters features concise, short articles, limited to a total of ten journal pages. Such concise articles will be easily accessible by readers working in any aspect of optimization and wish to be informed of recent developments.Officially cited as: Optim Lett

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Optimization and Engineering

ISSN: 1389-4420eISSN: 1573-2924

This journal promotes the application of optimization methods in the engineering sciences. This includes facilitating the development of advanced optimization methods for direct or indirect use in engineering. The journal provides a forum in which engineers obtain information about recent advances of optimization sciences, and researchers in mathematical optimization learn about the needs of engineering sciences and successful applications of optimization methods. It closes the gap between optimization theory and the practice of engineering. Optimization and Engineering presents all optimization methods of relevance to applications in engineering sciences: deterministic and stochastic, continuous, mixed integer and discrete, when they are relevant to applications in engineering sciences. It also highlights successful applications of optimization in various areas and contains a special section for readers without a strong background in the field, which offers material aimed at educating potential users of opti

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Optoelectronics Letters

ISSN: 1673-1905eISSN: 1993-5013

The purpose of this journal is to promote international academic exchange in the fields of Photonics and Optoelectronics in China and abroad, through the rapid reporting of new and important experimental results. This journal will become an important window into Chinese science and technology in the field of photonics/optoelectronics. The scope of this journal covers new functional materials and devices: micro–nano–structure and quantum optoelectronics: optoelectronics information technology: sensing, measurement and inspection: storage and display: image and information processing.

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Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing

ISSN: 8756-6990eISSN: 1934-7944

The scope of Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas: analysis and synthesis of signals and images: artificial intelligence methods: automated measurement systems: physicotechnical foundations of micro- and optoelectronics: optical information technologies: systems and components: modelling in physicotechnical research: laser physics applications: computer networks and data transmission systems. The journal publishes original papers, reviews, and short communications in order to provide the widest possible coverage of latest research and development in its chosen field.

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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ISSN: 1865-1550eISSN: 1865-1569

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery founded as Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie is a peer-reviewed online journal. It is designed for clinicians as well as researchers. The quarterly journal offers comprehensive coverage of new techniques, important developments and innovative ideas in oral and maxillofacial surgery and interdisciplinary aspects of cranial, facial and oral diseases and their management. The journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope on work in oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as supporting specialties. Practice-oriented articles help improve the methods used in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Every aspect of oral and maxillofacial surgery is fully covered through a range of invited review articles, clinical and research articles, technical notes, abstracts, and case reports. Specific topics are: aesthetic facial surgery, clinical pathology, computer-assisted surgery, congenital and craniofacial deformities, dentoalveolar surgery, head and neck oncology, implant dentistry, oral medicine, orthognathic surgery, reconstructive surgery, skull base surgery, TMJ and trauma. Time-limited reviewing and electronic processing allow to publish articles as fast as possible. Accepted articles are rapidly accessible online. Clinical studies submitted for publication have to include a declaration that they have been approved by an ethical committee according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki 1964 (last amendment during the 52nd World Medical Association General Assembly, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000). Experimental animal studies have to be carried out according to the principles of laboratory animal care (NIH publication No 86-23, revised 1985).

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