Cirugía Española, es el Órgano Oficial de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos, sociedad científica que engloba a la mayoría de cirujanos generales españoles y de diferentes subespecialidades de la cirugía.
La revista es el mejor exponente del desarrollo técnico y conceptual de la cirugía española, de tal manera, que en sus páginas se dedica una creciente atención a los aspectos biológicos y clínicos de la patología quirúrgica, trascendiendo así al acto operatorio que en constituía el centro de atención principal de esta área de la medicina.
Los contenidos de la revista se estructura en las secciones de Originales, Revisiones, Cartas Científicas, Imagen del Mes y Cartas al director, y los artículos se seleccionan y publican tras un riguroso análisis, siguiendo los estándares internacionalmente aceptados. Cirugía Española cuenta desde 2008 con una versión en inglés.
La revista
The primary aims of the journal are to analyze and assess past and present urban development and management as a reflection of effective, ineffective and non-existent planning policies; and the promotion of the implementation of appropriate urban policies in both the developed and the developing world.
Topics covered include: urban adaptation to climate change; gentrification and housing; homelessness and welfare services; urban management; public-private sector cooperation; development and planning problems; urban regeneration; neighborhood conservation and urban design; immigration and international labor migration; urban politics; urban theory; urban governance; smart cities and regions; infrastructure; livability and quality of life; greening; and the complexities of creating sustainable cities.
Every year, we also publish a handful of
Each volume also features one or more
Full details of Cities' accepted manuscript types, topics, word limits and editorial policies, as well as topics we do not accept, can be found in the
Topics of special interest to
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Therefore, the scope of the journal covers:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Research papers should consider the practical application of the thesis advanced through case studies, experiments, or systematic comparisons with existing approaches. Special issues devoted to topics of particular interest will be published on an occasional basis, and proposals for such issues are invited. Submission of multi- and interdisciplinary studies, particularly those involving economics and the social sciences, is encouraged.