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Cirugía Española

ISSN: 0009-739XeISSN: 1578-147X

Cirugía Española, es el Órgano Oficial de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos, sociedad científica que engloba a la mayoría de cirujanos generales españoles y de diferentes subespecialidades de la cirugía.
La revista es el mejor exponente del desarrollo técnico y conceptual de la cirugía española, de tal manera, que en sus páginas se dedica una creciente atención a los aspectos biológicos y clínicos de la patología quirúrgica, trascendiendo así al acto operatorio que en constituía el centro de atención principal de esta área de la medicina.
Los contenidos de la revista se estructura en las secciones de Originales, Revisiones, Cartas Científicas, Imagen del Mes y Cartas al director, y los artículos se seleccionan y publican tras un riguroso análisis, siguiendo los estándares internacionalmente aceptados. Cirugía Española cuenta desde 2008 con una versión en inglés.

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Cirugía Española (English Edition)

eISSN: 2173-5077
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Cirugía y Cirujanos

ISSN: 0009-7411eISSN: 2444-054X

La revista Cirugía y Cirujanos es el órgano de difusión científica de la Academia Mexicana de Cirugía, institución fundada en 1933, órgano consultivo del Gobierno Federal en materia de salud y política social y asesor del Consejo de Salubridad General de México. Su membresía es de 421 destacados profesionistas de 64 especialidades médicas, quirúrgicas y de profesionistas de áreas afines a la salud, lo cual ha contribuido a dar cuerpo, estructura, doctrina, misión, visión y prestigio a la cirugía y a la medicina mexicana en el contexto internacional.

Cirugía y Cirujanos es exponente del desarrollo académico, científico, médico, quirúrgico y tecnológico en materia de salud en México y en el ámbito internacional. Se editan en forma bimestral en inglés y en español artículos científicos originales, casos clínicos, artículos de revisión de interés general y cartas al editor. Los artículos se seleccionan y publican siguiendo un riguroso análisis, de acuerdo a los estándares internacionalmente aceptados.

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ISSN: 0264-2751eISSN: 1873-6084
Cities publishes articles on many aspects of urban planning and policy. It distinguishes itself by providing an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information among urban planners, policy makers and analysts, and urbanists from all disciplines.

The primary aims of the journal are to analyze and assess past and present urban development and management as a reflection of effective, ineffective and non-existent planning policies; and the promotion of the implementation of appropriate urban policies in both the developed and the developing world.

Topics covered include: urban adaptation to climate change; gentrification and housing; homelessness and welfare services; urban management; public-private sector cooperation; development and planning problems; urban regeneration; neighborhood conservation and urban design; immigration and international labor migration; urban politics; urban theory; urban governance; smart cities and regions; infrastructure; livability and quality of life; greening; and the complexities of creating sustainable cities.

Every year, we also publish a handful of Viewpoints. These are articles that are shorter in nature, summative in their literature review, and offer a particular argument that could potentially generate debates among scholars and practitioners.

Each volume also features one or more City Profiles. Coverage includes a brief description of the city's historical development, an account of contemporary conditions, problems or issues, and a critical review of recent or current policy, planning or management responses.

Full details of Cities' accepted manuscript types, topics, word limits and editorial policies, as well as topics we do not accept, can be found in the Acceptance Policy on the journal's website.

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City and Environment Interactions

ISSN: 2590-2520eISSN: 2590-2520

City, Culture and Society

ISSN: 1877-9166eISSN: 1877-9174
The 21st century has been dubbed the century of cities - sustainable cities, compact cities, post-modern cities, mega-cities, and more. CCS focuses on urban governance in the 21st century, under the banner of cultural creativity and social inclusion. Its primary goal is to promote pioneering research on cities and to foster the sort of urban administration that has the vision and authority to reinvent cities adapted to the challenges of the 21st century. The journal aims to stimulate a new interdisciplinary paradigm that embraces multiple perspectives and applies this paradigm to the urban imperative that defines the 21st century.

Topics of special interest to CCS include urban economics, cultural creation, social inclusion, social sustainability, cultural technology, urban governance, sustainable cities, creative cities. As a peer-reviewed international journal, CCS welcomes contributions from disciplines including but not limited to economics, business, accounting, planning, political science, architecture, geography, sociology, historiography, cultural studies, population studies and public administration.

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Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais

eISSN: 0870-8312

Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais (Science & Technology of Materials) is the official journal of SPM, the Portuguese Society of Materials, for the publication of referred contributions covering both fundamentals of materials science and technological application of engineering materials. The combination of physics, chemistry, and the focus on the relationship between the properties of a material and its microstructure is the domain of Materials Science. The development of this science allowed designing materials and provided a knowledge base for the technological applications. Materials of interest are metals, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers, composites, biomaterials, nanoscale materials, thin films. Properties may be electrical, mechanical, electronic, chemical, magnetic, thermal, optical, or biochemically related. Contributed papers should deal with these aspects, emphasizing new materials, new products and devices, and new technologies. If they are concerned with green growth and sustainable development, they will have priority.

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Cleaner Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2666-7908
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Cleaner Environmental Systems

ISSN: 2666-7894eISSN: 2666-7894

Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain

eISSN: 2772-3909
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Cleaner Materials

eISSN: 2772-3976

Cleaner and Responsible Consumption

ISSN: 2666-7843eISSN: 2666-7843

Cleaner and circular bioeconomy

ISSN: 2772-8013

Cleaner chemical engineering

ISSN: 2772-7823

Cleaner energy systems

ISSN: 2772-7831

Cleaner production letters

ISSN: 2666-7916

Cleaner waste systems

ISSN: 2772-9125

Cleaner water

ISSN: 2950-2632

Climate Change Ecology

ISSN: 2666-9005eISSN: 2666-9005

Climate Risk Management

eISSN: 2212-0963

Climate Risk Management publishes original scientific contributions, state-of-the-art reviews and reports of practical experience on all aspects of the production and use of climate and climate-related information in decision and policy making from the near- to long-term.

Therefore, the scope of the journal covers:

  • Historical, current, and future climate conditions across multiple space and time scales;
  • Risk assessment and risk management approaches for climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fire management, health, mining, natural resources management, water management, the built environment, and tourism; and
  • Analysis of relevant institutional developments and arrangements

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The application of seasonal forecasting and regional climate change projections;
  • Capacity building;
  • Infrastructure design;
  • Management and systematic reduction of climate-induced hazards and disasters;
  • Protection of lives, livelihoods and property;
  • Mitigation of environmental damage;
  • Sustainable resource use and production;
  • Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation at individual, community and institutional levels;
  • Regulatory risks associated with climate change; and
  • Climate-sensitive interactions between economic, environmental and social systems

Research papers should consider the practical application of the thesis advanced through case studies, experiments, or systematic comparisons with existing approaches. Special issues devoted to topics of particular interest will be published on an occasional basis, and proposals for such issues are invited. Submission of multi- and interdisciplinary studies, particularly those involving economics and the social sciences, is encouraged.

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